
The Beginning of the End...

2:29 PM

Oh Lord. This might be the scariest thing I've posted on my blog!! This ladies and gentlemen is my very first blog post of ever.  I want to point out, as I've said numerous times, that my first several pictures were never intended for blog use.  When I first got into nail art I would send my husband pictures of what I was working on via cell phone and that's why they're so terrible. They weren't really intended for wide spread viewing!  My first ACTUAL for my blog post was this post from February 25, 2011.  It's BETTER than this original one, but still needs obvious work.  I wanted to recreate the first post  I did though, not my first intended-for-blogging-post.  So here it is in all it's hideous glory.  I didn't even bother with clean up on this and the lighting is so bad because it was the only way I could get the gold to really show up in the picture.  Miraculously, I still have all the polishes I used for this particular post and I've definitely improved my polishing skills. Even without cleanup my nails never look as messy as they do in this picture.  Lighting and camera skills are a big part of what I've learned and tweaked and improved on as my blog has gone on.  So without further a do....here is the new version!

See a difference? ;)  

I think lighting is a big thing with pictures because not only does it just  make everything look nicer and neater, but look at the glorious gold undertones that have been completely lost in the first photo. The magic of the base color is really muted because the lighting is so poor. I hope to improve even from where I am now  by the end of 2013 and I really want to try to invest in a new camera and possibly a new lighting system this year.  A light box would probably benefit me tremendously. Still, I feel great about where I've come and I can't wait to keep going!

Thanks for following! I hope everyone had a wonderful new year!

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  1. phew, i was so worried when i read the post title !!! xxx

    1. Lol...the beginning of the end of bad photos!! (We hope!)


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