
31 Days of Christmas: Water Marble

9:06 AM

I can't believe it's already Day 4 of the 31 Days of Christmas Challenge and so far, I've only missed one day!  Given that I've been wicked busy this past week, I feel pretty good about that.  Today was the water marble challenge and I'll admit, I was feeling worried.  I don't have much gold and silver polish which isn't metallic and metallics are notoriously difficult to marble. I thought about just a simple red and green but the challenge says gold and red and I didn't want to do it halfway.  So then I decided to use my China Glaze glitter to do the marble.  I know what you're thinking, you can't water marble with glitter!! But I assure you, you can!  This was done WITH water too, not a dry marble or a needle marble.  (don't worry, I'll share the secret soon enough!) The results came out REALLY nice.  I think this is my best water marble to date!!  I hope you're all enjoying the challenge with me! It's not too late to join along in the fun!

Thanks for following! Have you ever marbled with glitter?

Don't forget to check out what Debbie, Claire, Kerrie, and Emma came up with for their watermarble mani's!

Marble is done with: China Glaze Twinkle Lights and Poinsettia

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  1. Uhm, this is AMAZING - I love those layers of glitter popping out from the jelly-ish red. I am so nervous about water marbling as I have never done it before!

  2. Emma practice makes perfect!! Some of my earlier ones are not great! I recommend making a lot of layers in your bullseye though. The less polish rings there are the less swirly the design will be!

  3. Holy crap this looks good! I LOVE the glitter thrown in there!

  4. Well hurry up and tell us girly! I am about to start mine and I wanna use Ruby Pumps!

  5. Planning a tutorial soon Arielle. If you're a PCF member, check the page for a sneak preview! :P


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