
Barry M

10:33 AM

OK so I know it's been a little while since the last one, but I keep adding to my polish collection and that's making stash photo's difficult!! I'm still trying to work through a bunch of untrieds, but I may have a plan for that very soon. So today I'm going to show you one of my very favorite brands, Barry M. Barry may just be the perfect man because his polishes are STELLAR.They're not incredibly easy to get your hands on stateside so that's the reason I don't have a whole lot of them. I still remember my VERY first Barry M's because they came from a friend in London. I think I first saw them on Sam of the Nailasaurus' blog. I had mentioned I was looking for a few colors to a friend and he sent me three. They weren't the three I asked for, but he's a guy so let's face it I'm lucky I got any at all! And I loved them. The colors: Indigo, Mint Green, and Shocking Pink.

Check out the usage on those suckers!!  There are so many things I love about Barry M.  It's vegan and cruelty free which is HUGE for me.  It's not very expensive (at least not if you don't have to pay shipping!!), the coverage is STELLAR. I'm talking one and two coats for 90% of these bad boys.  The wear is great too.  They aren't three free which may be the only downfall of the brand for me BUT that said, I use Seche Vite top coat so it's kind of irrelevant!***UPDATE*** Barry M has contacted me and I can officially confirm that their polishes are 100% Big Three Free!! And you know that just makes me love them more!  I have ordered many of these directly from Barry but since most of my Barry's have come from my wonderful friends in the UK I'm doing this post a little different than the OPI one!! Here are some pictures of the arrival of my baby Barry's!!

 New Barry's from Debbie. These were Copper, Denim (my first matte/suede Barry!), Silver Lilac, Teal, Aqua Blue and Red Black.


 This Swap was from Claire. It includes Blue Print, Lilac Foil, Croc Effects, and Raspberry.

A birthday pressie from Claire! Peach Melba, Red and Blue Glitter and Strawberry Ice Cream.

My most recent Barry's. These came from Debbie. The chameleon color change collection, Jewel Britannia, Magenta and Aqua Glitter.


A compilation post!! This is a selection of most of my other Barry's.  I counted and the total count is at forty-seven.  Including the above I also have the entire foil collection, the limited edition Silver Glitter from Boots, all the ice cream colors, most of the glitters (missing the new gold, Hologram Hexagons, and pink silver), and quite a few other gems like Silver Cascade and Silver Sea!  Currently my Barry's are residing with my butterLONDON and Deborah Lippmann's but it's time for them to move out on their own since the drawer has more than reached it's limits!  My favorite in the bunch is probably Blue Moon.  Close second might be Mint Green.  I'm hoping to get the Pink Silver glitter very soon!!

What's your favorite Barry M shade?  Which are you dying to try?

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  1. ha ha how ON EARTH do you have more Barrys than me !!!! xxx

    1. I don't know but that's a feat right there!!

  2. Hey I hope I don't cone across rude if I do I in know way mean it. But just an fyi Sam or Sammy at the nailasaurus is actually a girl, a very pretty one at that ;)

    1. Haha I meant no way not know way. Thats what I get for talking to my husband and typing at the same time.

    2. Oh God. . . Lol I also meant come not cone

    3. Jessica, I'm not sure of you've misread or just misunderstood the blog! I'm very aware that Sam is a girl! I've actually had several correspondences with her, she's very sweet! I appreciate the thought though!

    4. LOL OK I read it as you were talking to your friend at the nailasaurus. My bad ;)

    5. No worries!! I've amended it so it's less confusing!!


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