
The Ugly Duckling

5:30 PM

Today's Purple Crumpet Fairy Challenge was ducklings.  I thought I had a pretty good idea for this one, but it turned out less than cute on my nails.  I just really don't think yellow and orange flatter my skin tone...and the ducky's eyes are a bit...I don't know...weirder than I envisioned!  But still I think you can tell that they're ducklings and that's half the battle!! I used ManGlaze Butt Taco as a base coat.  It's a GORGEOUS suede orange with little micro orange shimmer in it.  It looks stunning matte as well as shiny but it's just not doing anything for my pale skin!  I then used Color Club Almost Famous to make a reverse french so that my ducks would have little bills.  And last I used Revlon White On White and Hard Candy The End to dot on breathing holes and eyes!  I hope you all enjoy and thanks for following!! It finally feels like Spring here in the mid-west. How are things where you live?

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  1. Butt Taco - possibly one of the most hilarious polish names I've heard! Love yr ducklings :) The weather here is crap - rain, rain & more rain - perfect for your little duckie :D

    1. I wish it would rain here! It's in the 80's already and it's barely Spring!

  2. I think this is adorable...the eyes are great, so much expression!!!

  3. hahaha oh my goodness this is adorable!!!!


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