
Royal Matte-astrohpe

10:42 AM

These nails were sort of inspired by a design I found in a nail art magazine.  They're also an attempt on my part to start using some of the million 3-D nail art supplies I currently own!  I don't know what it is about rhinestones and beads and stickers but I just can't seem to get motivated to use them. Could be that I change my nails every other day?  At any rate I started with a base of ManGlaze Royal Matterimoaning.  Royal Matterimoaning is a velvety navy blue with a ridiculous amount of shimmer to it.  It's SO gorgeous both matte AND shiny which is one thing I love about ManGlaze.  There is no wrong way to wear them!  They also have an incredibly lush formula. This is one coat of Royal Matterimoaning and it lasted with ZERO topcoat and no chips for almost four whole days.  That's a record for me with most non-matte polishes so to have a matte perform that well for me is a win.  I used Revlon White on White and a nail art brush to paint on the swirly design at the top. I left it gem free for a good while but then I felt like it was missing something so I popped a rhinestone on.  I hope you all enjoy and thanks for following!! :)

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  1. This is so cute! And wow, how awesome that a matte polish lasted 4 days without a topcoat!! I need to get some Manglazes ASAP!

  2. CUTE!!
    I know what you mean about using other nail art supplies! I always feel like it's a waste since I repaint usually 4-5 times a week! LOL!

  3. Very inspired accent nail. Liking this a lot!


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