
Zoya Alma and Binx

Today I've got two more Zoya colors for you from the Bubbly collection.  This one is Binx. When I first saw the press release I thought she was going to be more purple so I'm a bit disappointed in that part. The sight lists it it as an "orchic purple" but to me she's leaning very magenta.  That said I LOVE that these are jellies but they really have a metallic feel to them. I see it more with Jesy and Alma than the others but at the right angles they look like full coverage, super shimmery, metallic colors. It's really memorizing!  Here's another of Binx...

This is in a more direct light so the jelly is more apparent.  But you can definitely see the shimmer!!  Here's Alma:

Again you can see that she's clearly a jelly but there's a real metallic, foil type feel to her.  These are both swatched with two coats.  I thought Alma would need a third like Jesy did but I found her to have quite a bit of color at just the two.  These are a bit beastly on removal! Not as bad as a glitter but you certainly have to scrub a bit.

Still they're just SO pretty. I couldn't stop staring at my nails when I had them on!! They look great in all lights.  Alma is sort of a dandelion gold and she's VERY flattering, even on my pale skin!  Which is your favorite so far?

orchic purple
orchic purple

Zoya Jesy

Today I have a swatch of Zoya Jesy for you! This is one of the new Bubbly colors and it's definitely one of my favorites!  One thing that is different about Jesy though, is that she's quite sheer. Where two coats of Harper were enough to create an opaque look, here we have three coats of Jesy and at certain angles my smile lines are still visible.  I also felt she had more of a foily appearance in the light. Almost metallic and SUPER shimmery where Harper was more of a sparkly pink. I'd liken the effect to OPI's Goldeneye. I quite like the sheerness because it means you can layer her over LOTS of things. Which is your favorite Bubbly color?

Zoya Harper

Today  I have Zoya Harper for you from the new Bubbly collection.  This collection is sort of interesting to me because on the one hand you have colors like this one, a gorgeous shimmery pink which is opaque in two coats.  Then on the other you have some colors which are very sheer.  I like that though because I think it's fun to layer them! These remind me of the Pixie Dusts, except what they might be like if they weren't textured and if you added larger holographic glitters to them. They're very easy to apply and dry surprisingly shiny. I did add top coat here though.  I can't wait to show you the other colors in the collection! Did you get Harper?

And then that happened...

So it's the final day of the Digital Dozen brand challenge!! I don't know what happened to my picture but it has a weird contrast that I can't seem to fix SO...this is the terrible pic you get for today. / Think my camera has about bitten the dust, poor thing is several years old. Anyway these are based on the cover of the box sets of Saved By The Bell, which let's face it, we ALL watched growing up in the 90's! I hope you enjoy them despite the terrible pic! They're much brighter and more vibrant in person!  I got a slightly better (but week old pic with tip wear....ew!) pic from Instagram:

Win some you lose some, right? Anyway, here's your fun 90's ad for the day!

Check out the other girls artwork below!!

I Love the 80's!!

So it's day four of The Digital Dozen decade challenge and today I'm hitting the 1980's.  For this theme day I went with a few different things! I started with a pastel water marble with some holographic glitter and then added some shapes and topped them with a galaxy.  On my index, which is my accent here...I went with some holographic stripes through the galaxy.  I wish the holo had been more apparent in this but the weather has been sort of not great for glitter. :(  After I completed this masterpiece of art I showed it to my husband who promptly asked me what it had to do with the 80's.  To that I say THIS:

and this...

and whatever the heck THIS is...

along with any number of rock music videos!!  I wanted to sort of create a mixed art look! Despite the fact that I'm still working on perfecting my galaxy skills I think it came out rather well!  Here's a fun 80's nail polish ad for you!!

Check out the other girls art below!!

Disco baby...

Ok so these aren't really disco themed! They kind of go in the opposite direction of the 70's! For today's Decades challenge with The Digital Dozen I've gone with some tie dye! I really wanted these to emulate a more free form tie dye than just the typical circular pattern you normally see.  I think they came out pretty well although they also remind me of some water color nails I did awhile back!  I hope you enjoy them! Here's a fun Cutex ad from the 1970's!

Check out the other girls art below!!

I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night...

It's day two of the Digital Dozen Decades challenge and that means we're on to the swinging 60's!  I LOVE the 60's.  I love the music and the fashion and the boldness.  It was a time when people were starting to be more free about things and it really showed!!  I decided to go for the mod look today with some bright, neon color blocking. This mani surprised me a little because I thought it was going to take tons of time and I ended up being done with it in less than 15 minutes. Of course I free handed because I'm no good at all with tape! So it could probably stand to be a bit more precise but all in all I really liked it.  For fun, here's a Cutex ad from 1967!!

Metallic was apparently all the rage that year!! Check out the other ladies art below!!

Zoya Ling and Tilda

It's time for the final two colors in the Zoya Tickled collection today! I think I saved the best for last! Then again, I'm a real sucker for blues and greens!  Ling is up first and she's a gorgeous bright blue!  Two coats, no topcoat and she's absolutely flawless. Incredibly flattering AND no stains when I removed her.  Here she is with Muse...

Stunning, isn't it?  Finally we come to Tilda...

Tilda is a bright creamy green. Again this is two coats, no top coat. I love how bright these are because I think that's great for summer and sprng BUT they're not so bright as to be unflattering. 
Here is Tilda with Stassi...

Again it's so sparkly and pretty! Reminds me of mermaid scales! Which Zoya Tickled color was your favorite?

These polishes were provided to me for my honest review.  I have not been compensated for my opinion.

The Digital Dozen DOES...Decades!!

It's time for another week of art with The Digital Dozen!! This week we're doing a decades theme which is exciting news for me because I LOVE throwback designs.  I decided to do some ascending decade art so today we're starting with the good old 1950's and by weeks end we'll be up to the 90's.  Today's design really didn't come out how I'd intended at all.  It's rather sad really but I got a lot of compliments anyway so I'm hoping that it's one of those times when I'm being much harder on myself than is entirely warranted.  The idea was a chrome logo across a cherry red background.  Example:

The text is where I really lost it though.  It should have run together a bit differently.  Still I think the idea works!  I hope you all enjoy it too!  For fun here's a 1950's nail polish ad for you!

Check out the other ladies art work below!!

Zoya Rooney

Today I have Zoya Rooney for you!  This is the last of the red/pink tones in the Tickled collection. This is two coats of Rooney and I have to say, I'm LOVING the shiny finish on these. No top coat once again.  Rooney is described as a mid-range magenta and that sums her up pretty well. Not my cup of tea but I'm seeing a lot of great art in her future!  Here she is with her Bubbly match, Harper...

I've done the accent her in Jesy just to show you once again that these are crazy fun to layer up. Jesy just takes her a hair darker and warmer.  Plus LOOK at all that sparkle!  Which combo is your favorite?  The final two of these will be up tomorrow and then, as it's Digital Dozen week there will be no Bubbly's til the week after!! Can't wait for you to see!

These polishes were provided to me for my honest review.  I have not been compensated for my opinion.

Zoya Rocha

Today I have Zoya Rocha for you!  I actually thought I was going to hate this one and ended up LOVING it. It's described as a warm, red creme but I found that it leans rather orange! I don't know if it's just my skin tone or what but it's really stunning. I often find that reds make me look extra pale or just end up garish on me but this one really didn't. I also LOVE the shiny finish on her.  This has ZERO top coat. Definitely a must have for summer. I can see a Rocha pedicure in my near future!!

Here I've paired Rocha up with Jesy and Alma.  I don't think there was much shift from one to the other but Alma is a TAD more gold than Jesy.  Which way do you prefer her?

These polishes were provided to me for my honest review.  I have not been compensated for my opinion

Zoya Kitridge

 Today I have another Zoya Tickled color for you! This one is Kitridge. She's a medium bright pink!  I don't generally go for pinks and this one is no exception. It's a bit too bubblegum for me! I do love that it's not super cool or warm though. It's quite flattering it's just not my cup of tea.  That said...

When I layered Harper and Binx (on the accent!) over it, I really kind of fell in love. Again the slightly tinted bases of the Bubbly collection JUST mutes and shifts the bubblegum pink out of this one!  I matted these cause I think I'm in love with the matte look where they're concerned but they do dry shiny!  Which is your favorite so far?

These polishes were provided to me for my honest review.  I have not been compensated for my opinion.

Zoya Wendy

As I'm sure you are all well aware, Zoya has a brand new collection out called Tickled and Bubbly. It consists of six cremes and six glitter polishes. The glitters in these are really interesting in that they have larger, smaller and then almost duo chrome flecks in them as well.  I'll be swatching the whole collection for you this week and I'll be starting with the cremes! I was sort of disappointing in the glitters in that swatches I saw from other bloggers said they were opaque in three coats and that was not at all my experience. That said they're still gorgeous colors and fun to layer over the cremes as well as over each other!! I'm going to start off the swatching with Wendy!

Wendy is a coral leaning pink creme and I think she was one of my favorites of the collection.  Not only was she opaque in two coats but just LOOK at that color.  IT's super flattering and also nice and bright for Spring and Summer.  I did find that she was a little on the thick side, but I have LOTS of Zoya's and none of the others in my collection had that issue so I'm thinking that a loose cap might have been the issue there.  I thinned her a little and had no troubles after that! For the most part, the Tickled collection has a matching Bubbly counterpart and for Wendy I felt Harper was the best choice.


Here they are layered up.  You can see what I mean now with the glitter.  There are larger iridescent pieces and then a wash of shimmer. There is also a hint of color which has just SLIGHTLY muted Wendy a bit. For fun I threw Alma over my ring finger. Just to show you that these can be fun to layer up and create new combos!

For a little extra fun. here is the same combination with a matte top coat.  I REALLY love these glitters matte.  They just look so cool at different angles! Which colors are you dying to see next?

These polishes were provided to me for my honest review.  I have not been compensated for my opinion.

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