
The TraceFace Philes 1700 Follower giveaway!

Tracy over at the TraceFace Philes is having a 1700 follower giveaway. Again, I try not to post about these giveaways on my blogger, but the grand prize is my most coveted polish of all time -- GOSH Holographic.  So check out her blog here! And enter the giveaway! Even if you don't win, her blog is awesome! (And will make you want to buy a million polishes!!)

Yeah, everyone in Africa can read Swedish.

Pink Wednesday is here again!!  I admit I've skipped a few of these, mostly due to the striking lack of pink in my polish collection.  Over the past month I've picked up a few new ones so hopefully I'll be able to get some better pink Wednesday mani's in the future!!  I love the idea of 'moon' mani's or reverse french mani's, whatever you call them they look super cool and are ridiculously easy to do.  I've never actually done one, only admired from afar and I think the issue I'm having with it is that it's not entirely perfect.  The moons are different sizes and some of them are a bit off kilter.  That said...I actually kind of like the way this turned out!  I couldn't stop looking at my nails all day!! And I have a new bottle of Seche Vite (which was MUCH needed)  so my nails are back to their glossy, chip free selves! The bright color of this, mixed with the Seche, topped with the fact that my nails were recently shaped gives off the impression of false nails a bit! I've had people asking me all day!  But as always, these are mine! 

Enjoy and thanks for following!! :)

Moon: Ulta Snow White
Reverse tip: Models Own Pastel Pink
Glitter coat: Barry M Iridescent Pink
Top Coat: Seche Vite

Jade Necklace

This is kind of a lazy day nail for me.  I wanted to use my new China Glaze metallic crackle again, since the last time I tried it out it wasn't the best experience.  I'm glad I reserved judgement because this color is AMAZING.  This is the copper crackle and it's really the only one I was even excited about when I first saw the collection online.  I used it over a minty green color because it reminded me of a copper and jade ring I have that I LOVE :)  (pics eventually :P)  I took a close up for you guys (I'm experimenting with new camera tricks!) so you can see the glittery goodness of the crackle.  It has gold, yellow, orange, and copper flakes throughout it and it looks amazing on your nails!  I left these on for nearly a week and that's a record for me!!

Enjoy and thanks for following!! :)

Base is: Barry M Mint Green
Crackle: China Glaze Cracked Medallion
Top Coat: Seche Vite

Recent polish haul and butterLONDON BOGO!

My most recent...and tiny...polish haul.  Most of these were a result of the buy one get one free butterLONDON sale at Ulta today and then some are also the product of a swap I did recently. :)  The top row left to right is Catrice Dirty Berry and Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans, GOSH Metallic Green, Catrice Sold Out Forever and Hard Candy Black.  Bottom row left to right is Catrice Absolutely Chinchilly, butterLONDON Cheeky Chops and Chuffed, Nicole by OPI Justin Beiber mini set, butterLONDON Teddy Girl, Toff, and Queen Vic.  And just for fun...I'm showing off my entire butterLONDON collection today becuase I LOVE LOVE LOVE butterLONDON!!

Rainbow-y, no?  Starting at the top and working left to right I have: Cheeky Chops, Jaffa, Chuffed, Saucy Jack, Primrose Hill Picnic, Queen Vic, Toff, (second row) Blagger, Henley Regatta, Teddy Girl, Rosie Lee, Scoundrel, No More Waity Katie, Muggins, (third row) Lady Muck, Victoriana, Bluey, Dosh, British Racing Green, Wallis, West End Wonderland, (bottom row) The Old Bill, All Hail the Queen, and Tea With The Queen!  

Thanks for following! (you can read more about my love of butterLONDON here!)

Japanese Blossoms

I keep seeing everyone doing these Japanese cherry blossom manicures and I think it looks so pretty on the nail!  It seemed easy enough so I thought I'd try it out for myself! It turns out it's ridiculously easy and it's pretty difficult to get a bad effect, even if you screw up.  I wish I had made the branches a little smaller but other than that I really ended up liking this art. :)  I used a matte topcoat to mix it up a little bit and it surprisingly lasted about four days with no chips! Bonus! :) Enjoy and thanks for following!

Base color: China Glaze For Audrey
Accents: Barry M Mushroom, Ulta Snow White, OPI Sparrow Me the Drama
Topcoat: Essie Matte About You

Blog Giveaway at Valentine Kisses!!

I don't normally link up to people's giveaways on my blogger.  I enter so many of them and my blog is so small, I don't want it to turn into a forum for blog giveaways instead of what it's supposed to be, which is a journey of my nail art.  But this is an exception.  This blog giveaway is MASSIVE. And awesome.  And it only takes five minutes to enter.  Besides that, the blog is totally worth following, even if you don't win all the cool stuff!! So go ahead and pop on over!! All you have to do is click here!

Julie & Julia

This is another mani from my week of movies.  It doesn't have a whole lot to do with the movie I was watching, other than that the pattern is from a place mat and Julie and Julia happens to be about food.  Actually, the movie wasn't too bad.  I thought it was going to be awful and as it turns out it was pretty cute...I'd watch it again, but I wouldn't buy it.  Then again, I've seen over 3,000 movies and it's becoming increasingly harder to impress me on that front!!  Anyway...the nails.  The pattern is from a vintage fabric swatch which had wheels of white with blue spokes and dots around the egdes.  I thought the shinyness of the Seche Vite made it look too busy so I top coated again with Essie Matte About You (not shown in the picture).  I liked the results  but I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to designs and the fact that the spokes are kind of all over drove me crazy!  I need to work on patience with my manicures!  I have a week of anime still to come and all the freehand is going to make me crazy! :)  Enjoy them anyway and thanks for following!

Base color: butterLONDON Dosh
Accents: Ulta Snow White, Barry M Blueberry Ice Cream, butterLONDON Blagger
Top Coat: Seche Vite

I want candy...

I've had a hard time this week getting motivated to do my nails.  I have a TON of unused colors that I want to do something with but I just can't seem to get organized enough to use them.  I'm in the process of getting together a week of anime nails which I think will be really cool but it's going to be a lot of work so that's keeping me from doing anything too over the top as well.  I had some really great art that I loved on the other night and then it got chipped :(  So I decided to go ahead and take part in the Monday Nail Art Challenge that a group I'm a part of (called Polish Aholics Anonymous) runs every week.  The theme of this week was candy.  It's probably a really great theme but the problem for me is that I don't eat candy.  Ever.  Well...rarely.  So I scoured the web looking for some fun candy to do.  I decided to do something based on those little licorice snaps with bright colors.  It came out kind of mod and the colors are great but I did it in a hurry and the quality is not the best.  Anyway...I hope you enjoy them the same! :)

Base coat: Ulta Snow White
Pink: Zoya Mod Matte Lolly
Green: Zoya Mod Matte Mitzi
Orange: Orly Orange
Blue/Purple: China Glaze Secret Per-i-winkle
Black: LA Nail Art Pen in  Black
Top: Seche Vite

Mini Haul!

L to R: China Glaze Midtown Magic and Skyscraper, Orly Rococo A-Go-Go, Rock Solid, Orange, and Goth

This is a fairly tame polish haul. But I've been super busy over the past few weeks and haven't really been too impressed with fall collections as of late.  I did pick up most of the Butter London fall line, though I already had No More Waity, Katie.  But otherwise...even the Halloween lines aren't really piquing my interests this year.  Anyway I did pick up some of the China Glaze metro collection and a few Orly Mineral FX.  September 21st is Buy One Get One Free ButterLondon day at Ulta so I'm finishing off my collection by picking up Toff.  I wanted to get Artful Dodger as well but as it turns out, they don't carry it anymore :(  I'm sure I'll find something to get for free though! :P

Models Own Juicy Jules

So I bought this color awhile  back when I was first getting into Models Own colors. I had heard that they had a great formula and didn't chip forever so I picked up a few to test them out.  At £5 each they're not too expensive, but they're not exactly top of the line either.  I was pleasantly surprised with the formula of them though.  It was indeed SUPER easy on application. Smooth, two coats for most colors, and it really does last days without chipping.  And that's really saying something on my nails because even with Seche Vite and top of the line polish I still manage to chip my nails after at least the third day.  This particular color, Juicy Jules, is a medium holographic glitter.  The best thing about it (besides the ridiculous length it stayed on my nails--nearly 9 days NO chips) is that it dried almost completely smooth which is something I've not experienced with a glitter polish yet.  No topcoat needed.  Still I layered on one quick coat of Seche Vite (mostly to speed dry time!) I wish it had been more sunny when I took these pictures because this stuff REALLY lights up in the sunlight. But it looks great indoors as well!  :)

Enjoy! And as always, pictures can be clicked to blow them up for detail!!

I have this theory, that if you cut off all her hair she'd look like a British man.

Pink Wednesday is here again! Time flies.  I'm starting to realize that my polish collection is in serious need of some new pinks!  Anyway my Barry M's finally arrived last week so I thought I'd try out the Berry Ice Cream.  I wanted a sponged "line" kind of look but it didn't really work out so I threw some glitter on the top because let's face it, glitter makes everything better!  It wasn't horrible but it didn't last more than 24 hours either!  Enjoy! :)

Base is: Barry M Berry Ice Cream
Sponged: butterLONDON Scoundrel on top and topped that with China Glaze Fairy Dust
Topcoat: Seche Vite

The Big Wait...

So awhile back I bought butterLONDON's No More Waity Katie, and it's not exactly a secret that I wasn't impressed with it.  It's kind of murky and greyish purple but the glitter is somehow not glittery and it takes a million coats for any kind of effect and the effect you get for your effort isn't great.  I REALLY wanted to love this color as much as I love Duchess Catherine...but alas, I did not.  So it's been sitting in my drawer forever just waiting to be used.  I got some Martha Stewart glass beads at Michael's for next to nothing the other day so I decided to test them out on my nail  And I gave No More Waity, Katie a second chance.  I still don't love it...but I'm coming around!  
(Side note: I HATED the glass beads on my middle finger but I got a ton of compliments...so maybe it's not as bad as I thought!)

Lunar Eclipse

These nails are actually from ages ago, but I kind of hate them and was debating whether or not to post them.  Then I lost a picture of some really GREAT nails that I loved and I realized that this started out as a journey for me personally, to log my nail adventures and see how I improve as I go.  So it makes sense to post the not so great along with the good ones!  Anyway I intended to do some silver space-like designs on the nails but after I got it on my ring finger (great trick btw starting designs on your ring finger. If you hate it just stop and leave it at an accent nail!) I didn't like it so much.  So I crackled over it and called it a day!  The base color is from Orly's Cosmic FX collection and even though it doesn't pick up well in this picture, it's a blue/purple duochrome which looked lovely in the sun!

Base: Orly Lunar Eclipse
Accent nail: China Glaze Fault Line over Nicole by OPI Give Me the 1st Dance

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