
Rehab Your Nails: Enemy Number One

3:39 PM

Yesterday we talked about nail types and hopefully you were able to find yours because as I continue this series knowing your type will give you a lot of helpful information about getting them their healthiest.  Today I want to talk to you about one of your nails BIGGEST enemies; water. We don't typically think of water as being bad for us and many of us probably even use it for our regular manicures, but that's actually NOT the best idea. Why?

Well remember those layers we talked about yesterday?  You probably remember (especially if your nail type is peeling) me mentioning that your nail layers are held together with "adhesive".  Well those layers are constructed horizontally. So the water you soak your nails in makes it's way between those layers of adhesive holding your nail together and begins to break them down. Even worse, when you add soap to your manicure soak (or your sink while you wash those dishes!) you break down even more of those adhesives and oils that keep your nails healthy and strong. You probably notice how weak your nails are after you soak them and even though they do eventually go back to "normal" over time use of water breaks them down and depletes their health. People in professions where hands are washed frequently or where they're often in water more often than not will have short nails that peel or bend because of the constant breakdown of those oils and adhesives. 

One other way water in your manicure routine can be a bad thing is that it can shorten the wear time of your polish. When you soak your nail before you polish it your nail absorbs all that water. You'll likely notice they even change shape, becoming wider and flatter. That might make them easier to polish or make for a great picture but what happens when all that water evaporates and your nail returns to it's normal shape? That's right...the polish also moves and the stress weakens it and can even cause cracks and chips.  

So the moral of the story? The next time you do a manicure, skip the water! There are SO many products out there today that can dissolve and soften cuticles and if you're looking for a warm, relaxing spa treatment I highly recommend a paraffin bath. Not only do they keep skin soft but they'll also help strengthen your nails instead of breaking them down! I'll talk about some of my favorite waterless manicure products later in this series and give you some tips for how to keep your polish on longer, so keep checking back as the week goes on! ;P

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