
The end of the beginning...

8:22 PM

Hey everyone! Or at least anyone who's still reading. Do people still even read blogs? Are they like newspapers? A thing of the past? Lost to their flashier cousins, the insta-apps that let us drop a quick picture with a snappy one liner and be done with it.  I don't know. What I do know is that since the time I started Bee Polished so much has changed. Not just in the blogging world or on the internet but in my own life too. I used to polish my nails everyday. Sometimes twice a day. I loved doing it. I loved planning out designs and playing with new techniques and seeing what I could do with what tools.  Don't get me wrong; I still love to polish my nails. I still love to play with different techniques and tools and I still get excited over fun new colors and finishes. I'm still a nail tech and I still enjoy doing other people's nails here and there as well. But a lot of the initial passion is gone for me. It's no longer an outlet for me or a creative space. It feels forced at times and I find myself struggling to come up with regular content for you guys. I started adding makeup and that sort of helped but even though I enjoy unboxing fun things for you and reviewing makeup I'm not really into investing tons of money on things I don't use often and my lighting situation is not ideal for makeup and has already cost me a bit and takes up a ton of space. I've considered shutting down but I love this space. It was an outlet for me for so long and I'm not ready to let go of it.  SO...onto my next point. This space is going to be changing a bit. Or maybe a lot. I've toyed with this idea before and written about how I wanted to overhaul but I think now is an ideal time for it. I feel like in a lot of ways my life is really starting over right now and it's great time to start over here too. I do have a new name in mind and at some point I'll have to let go of Bee Polished and put up a new sign and turn the page and start a new chapter. But for now we can just start up a little epilogue and ease into the new stuff slowly. This is a big deal for me. It's a new beginning. It's letting you into the cracks and crevices and nuances behind the nails. And if that's not for you then I understand that too! We're all in different places in our lives. But if my little corner still interests you then I welcome you into the next chapter of Bee Polished. :)

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