
Getting to know you...

9:35 PM

Hello again! If you came back that is. ;P Yesterday I posted about how I wanted to take this blog in a new direction and start adding new content to it.  So today I thought it might be nice to get things rolling by letting you into my little corner of the world. So you already know I love nail polish and I'm a licensed nail tech.  But there's a ton of things you may NOT know about me.  I'm not going to list those all out today of course but there's nothing wrong with a little getting to know you chat, right? Since we're starting over a bit here let me introduce you to the woman BEHIND the nails...

So first of here's a more update picture of me than what you see on my sidebar. Yes it's got a snapchat filter cause let's face it this is Friday and I'm exhausted and my curls are going haywire but through the magic of SnapChat we all look like goddesses, right? (PS you can see me in all my unfiltered glory on YouTube ;P). So thing number one you may not know about me...in my actual real life I am a medical biller. I do have my nail tech license and for awhile I did nails as a profession but what I found was it tended to be a lot of just polish and not a lot of creative art and it just didn't work for me. For a little while I worked in an upscale spa and it was....an interesting experience. If you're considering becoming a tech and working it as a profession I'd say really look into it. The hours are long (I was working 10+ hour days and often without breaks) the pay is commission, clients don't always have any consideration and will cancel, show up late, and/or want things to be very specific even if they're not the way you'd want your work to be displayed and it can take you a long time to build a client base. One of the things I disliked most about it was the lack of time off to just enjoy life. I love nails and I've always had a job but life is about more than just work for me. My job now offers me the opportunity to have time to have a life outside of the office.

Which brings me to thing number two: I LOVE to travel. It's probably the thing I'm most passionate about in life other than my daughter. Travelling used to be very difficult for me because it can be costly but as I've done it more I've learned where to splurge and where to pinch and found lots of ways to make travel more accessible and efficient for my family. This year for the first time I got to experience travelling with an infant and I hope to add some tips about how to travel on a budget and how to travel with babies and toddlers (and as she grows older, kids) to the blog since I think it's something a lot of people may be interested in learning about. I rarely traveled growing up and only once outside the country (very briefly) so I want to make sure my daughter sees as many places as I can afford her to as she grows up.

We can go ahead and just go into that I had a daughter last year so you may or may not know that I'm a mom!  For various reasons I never thought I would be one and I'm ecstatic that it's a reality for me now. My pregnancy was NOT easy and I'm unfortunately a NICU mom so the first bit of motherhood was really hard for me. I was also diagnosed with PPD pretty early on so that's something that may pop up from time to time.  Definitely motherhood will be a large part of the new blogging lineup since it takes up a lot of my time and attention and it's something I'm having a lot of fun navigating. 
I'm finding that I'm a much more laid back mom than I expected to be but we do a lot of natural things as well. I made some baby food in the beginning but we quickly gave that up for baby led weaning. We nursed and still are nursing at 15 months but she had formula as well in the early days. I babywear but we also have and use a stroller.  We make most of her food now since she eats what we do but she also gets some pre-made snacks. We cloth diaper during the day but she wears disposables overnight. So I wouldn't say I'm really a crunchy mom but there are elements of it in there. I'm sure my daughters meals and crafts and other things will be a component of the blog.

Speaking of crafts...you might already know I love crafts. I consider myself to be a pretty creative person and crafting and creating are my favorite things to do. I'm currently doing a DIY kitchen redo on a budget so that may show up here and I also love making felt foods for my daughter. I do some embroidery, I'm learning lettering and I Bible journal and paint a bit. Painting isn't my forte but I still love doing it. There are lots of other things I'm trying and I'm also a HUGE planner girl and I love to cook so some of those things may show up as well. 

Since I don't want to make this TOO long I'll go ahead and wrap up here for today.  I'd love to know more about you and things you love to do as well so please drop me some comments and let me know! :)

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