
BuJo's and Netflix shows...

3:35 PM

Hey everyone! One of the things I mentioned I was into (I think!) was planning. I've always been a planner and I've always been a person who loves lists and routines and being prepared. I can also be spontaneous but only about certain things. I recently started a bullet journal (or BuJo) and I'm not sure yet whether I love it or hate it. I'll be doing an upcoming vlog on this but for now, I'm using my BuJo as a supplementary planner and still using my Happy Planner for day to day stuff. I like the BuJo because it's so open for possibilities but I don't always have time to sit and do a whole spread every week and I think trying to be creative all the time could get really overwhelming. I did this little spread for my upcoming trip to Ka'anapali in Maui County, Hawaii and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. My flights and times are in the top right corner, my hotel and car information including phone numbers and addresses in the bottom left (blurred for privacy reasons til I get back! ;P) and then over on the right bottom I've listed some things I plan to do while I'm there and some things I absolutely can't forget to pack.  I'm going to add another page with a check list of what I need to pack and how I plan to do it this week before I go. Between three cats, myself and an infant it's going to be a lot to take care of. Of course this is the third trip I've taken this year via flight so I'm not SUPER concerned about it but you just never know what things a 15 month old is going to throw at you.  This week I started getting together some shows from Netflix on my iPad for her to watch on the plane. I don't typically let her watch a lot of TV but she does like to watch/listen to Little Baby Bum and I always keep Moana on there as well.  After I get back I'll probably start the first in my series of vlogs/blogs about how to travel with babies.  I typically take about three major vacations a year and three or four little ones as well. Now that I have a child I don't plan to stop travelling but since daycare only gives me two free weeks a year it's likely that I'll go down to two major (week long) trips and probably one or two weekend ones. That being said everyone told me not to fly with a nine month old, that it would be hell. Been there. Done that. She was great. Everyone told me not to fly with a one year old. It will be a nightmare they said. Been there. Done that. Had a few little hiccups but nothing at all major. Now she's 15 months and is getting to the stage where she loves to push boundaries and hates to take naps so we'll see! But I aim to come prepared and hopefully it will go well and I'll at least have some tips on what NOT to do if it doesn't! Do you have any travel plans this fall? Any travel tips for me before I leave? ;P

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