
I'll be there for you...

Here's a design that has stemmed from my epic binge watching of Friends on Netflix this past month.  It's so darn cold out that my motivation to be alive has dwindled to next to nothing. All I want to do is lay in my warm, cozy bed with my kitties and watch TV.  Yet sadly, I cannot.  Lol...but I did for a bit and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Friends. It's one of my favorite shows of all time and I don't even watch much TV.  While I was binging on it I noticed that there are SO many great patterns on the show and I wanted to pay a little bit of homage and do some on my nails. A common theme is how often they get coffee at the coffee house so I'm semi paying homage to that as well with this look BUT also a bit not. ;P If you already know what it is kudos to you!  It pops up A LOT throughout the seasons.  If not though, here's a little picture to help you out...

Spot the pattern?  (hint: it's Monica's MUGS!!) What's your favorite TV show?

Zoya Spring 2015 Delight Collection

Today I have the new Zoya Delight collection for Spring 2015 for you!  The collection is six colors; three creme and three colors Zoya calls metallic with turquoise flash.  I actually didn't love this collection when I first pulled them out of the box. Of course there was one that I was straight out in love with but the others I was kind of meh about. However, at the end of the day there were only two I didn't care for as much as the others.  What you see above is Lillian.  Zoya describes her as a faded aquamarine.  I did all the creme's with two coats and they all seemed to go on smoothly with good coverage.  I really love that Lillian is both bright but also soft.  It reminds me a bit of the Lime Crime collection of neon pastels.

Moving on we have Eden, a spring flower pink.  Eden has a great formula and the color is great for spring just like they say but...she's pink and that's just not my thing!  She also seemed to be the brightest color in the collection to me.  Most of the others were quite soft but this one really pops!

The last of the cremes is this gem, Tiana.  I love everything about this one. I love the name, cause...duh, princesses! I love the pistachio green color.  I love the formula. I love how great it looks with my skin tone. I'm really SWOONING over Tiana.  I added some glitter to my accent nail here and while I didn't intend to include it in the swatch picture, I somehow deleted the clean ones so you get it anyway. ;)  If you love greens or pastels this is a must have.

So now we're up to these metallic flash colors. In the bottle these do all look like they're shimmery with a blue flash. On the nail I found the flash to be much more subtle. Above we have three coats of Rayne.  She was not a favorite of mine. Don't get me wrong, the color is lovely but it's just really sheer and I hate it when you have to do a million coats.  I will say though, on the nails, the sort of patchiness you see in this photo wasn't noticeable AND she looks electric.  It's a very cool color and it almost sort of looks neon or like it's lit up.  I did try it over black since it seemed hella sheer and I thought it would be a cool look but it was too thick to look very nice that way.

Then we have Leslie, a lavender shimmer with a blue flash.  You can see the flash just very subtly on this one.  I did two coats here and the coverage was much more substantial than with Rayne.  I was worried about this one in the bottle but I love it on my nails.

Last but not least is Daisy.  She's a lemon colored shimmer with a blue flash. Again here the flash is rather subtle but in the bottle it's VERY noticeable.  I like the shimmer of it but I wouldn't call these metallic like Zoya is!  Which one is your favorite?

**These polishes were provided to me for my honest review. I have not been compensated for my opinion**

Playing Catch Up: 2/14/15

Hey everyone! Happy Valentines Day! Above is my fancy breakfast for today with a pink latte and heart shaped eggs! No mold on those by the way just some fancy pan work. ;P  At any rate I don't have a TON of updates this week.  I started my first week out of training on Monday and it went pretty well. I'm on a new schedule which is going to take a bit of getting used to BUT I get an hour and a half more time in my evening which I'm so excited for.  My new supervisor is a bit stiff on things though which makes my life harder at work because things have to be done at very specific times and that makes it very difficult to work efficiently but I'm sure things will iron themselves out.  

On Monday my babiest hamster Milo, died. :(  He was a little over a year old which I had been told was pretty much the norm for Robo Dwarves but now I've seen numerous things to suggest otherwise so I'm feeling extra sad knowing he could've lived much longer.  I had many Russian dwarves and LOADS of Syrians as a child but never had a dwarf live more than a year or two so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong there BUT...he definitely didn't die from lack of food, water, warmth or love. He wasn't sick in the week prior and was up running around the night before so whatever it was it happened fast.  

I made him a nice, pretty, comfy box and we had a little funeral and buried him.  Poor thing. Then I cleaned out his cage and put it aside.  My other hamster, Remy, is a Syrian and is way too big to use the cage so even though I considered linking it up to her already tube leaden cage, there's just no way she could fit up the tiny tubes on it.  On Thursday, after staring at the empty cage for several days, my husband bought me a new hamster.  I wasn't sure I wanted one really but when we went to get one there was this super chunky little one that came right up to us.  Robo's are notoriously difficult to tame, although they do not bite like other dwarf species, so the fact she's very easy to handle already was a major plus.  

Look at her little eyelashes!  So cute. She does look similar to Milo, as all Robo's look quite similar but Milo was much thinner and had a little nick out of his left ear. I think her eyelashes are a bit longer too.  She's very sweet but it took me FOREVER to think of a name for her. We went through tons of them before landing on Athalie.  We're calling her Tillie for short.  Anyway I hope you've all had a nice week.  Does anyone have any big Valentines Day plans?

Happy Valentines Day!!

This is just a quick Valentines design post for you!  I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday! Remember that it's a day about love and that doesn't necessarily mean from a partner! I hope you all remember how loved you are and make sure to tell the people in your life that you love them as well!  Be safe. Be happy. Be loved. :)

Just like a circus...

It's the final day of the pattern on pattern challenge with The Digital Dozen! This week has just flown by! I'm a little bit sad to see it go but I'm also glad because I've run out of pattern on patter designs! ;P  I did much better this week than I  thought I would and I hope to do more of these in the future now that they feel a little less daunting.  Anyway for my final day I did some water marbling with a triangle pattern over the top.  It sort of reminds me of flags.  Even though the stamp sort of muddles the marble effect I really loved this one! I hope you all enjoyed pattern on pattern week! Check out the other ladies designs below!

It's the dot that counts!

Today's design was actually kind of a fail that turned into a win!  My intention was the gradient with dots BUT I envisioned the dots sort of fading into the lighter shade. I also think that the second side of it could've been more exaggerated.  I don't know why but I decided to just do the white dots rather than the fading ones so instead I decided to just slightly plump up the dots a bit as they progressed across my nails and although if you look at my pinky and then my index you CAN certainly see the size difference I don't think it was obvious enough to feel like a part of the design. At any rate I did end up satisfied with them and that's pretty darn good too! :)  Check out the other girls art below!

Zen that happened...

Today's pattern on pattern didn't turn out exactly as I envisioned it.  I wanted it to be like a zen garden and while the sand was spectacular the rocks weren't so awesome. I tried to make them a little better by adding some silver highlights but I'm not sure it helped.  The sand on the other hand...WELL exceeded expectations and because I used a sparkly base it glistened in the sun just like sand on a beach. At any rate I suppose you win some you lose some!  Don't forget to check out the other ladies art below!

Snap, Crackle, Croc!

Today's pattern on pattern design is actually based on a dress I spotted on designer Christian Siriano's instagram. Yes, I totally love him. I do things based on his designs ALL the time. lol...this was actually dead easy to do too and it came out rather cool looking. I will preface by saying I'd have preferred to use a brown croc effect but when I got going I realized that I actually don't have one. All I have is black and maroon.  I debated for a bit because black might have gone a little better but I decided in the end to use the red since it's a little warmer.  So it's basically a coat of white, a coat of croc effect, top coat and then a coat of crackle. The top coat is important because otherwise the crackle tends to want to crack on the lines of the croc which ruins the effect.  Also while I was doing this I forgot how long it takes the croc effect to start working and just as I was at peak panic and ready to start taking it off it finally started wrinkling at the edges!  Anyhoo...here's the Siriano dress:

*swoon* isn't it gorgeous? Check out the other girls art below!

The Digital Dozen DOES....Patterns on Patterns!!

It's time for another week with The Digital Dozen! This week we're doing patterns on patterns.  I was sort of stumped on this theme for awhile and ended up doing a lot of these at the last minute but I really feel good about what I ended up with for the most part.  I'm sort of simplistic when it comes to my art for the most part. I get these elaborate ideas but the follow through always becomes a mess. It's a fine line when you're mixing things as to when it's enough and when you've just crossed the line. SO...I ended up taking my inspiration from things in my everyday life.  This design is from a vintage scarf I have. It's polka dots with flowers on top.  I debated adding centers to the flowers -- the scarf doesn't have centers on them but I just felt like it looked a little open so I did end up putting them on later.  I can't decide which version I liked better in the end! Which one do you prefer?

Check out the other ladies designs below!

Barielle Gentle Breeze

Today I have swatches of the new Spring Barielle collection for you! The collection is called Gentle Breeze and it's a nice mix of colors and finishes!  The above is called Under the Sea. It's a nice blue green shimmer.  Most of these were opaque in two coats and they all dried nice and shiny! This one was one of my favorites. :)
Next up is Gray Sky.  It's a pale gray shimmer.  I love greys and this one was no exception.  It's so soft and flattering.
And here we have Heaven Sent.  It's my favorite for obvious reasons!  It's also a ONE COATER.  One...coat.  I can't wait to try stamping with it!
Then we have Champagne Bubbles.  This one I had to do three coats of and it's an odd color on me but it's got a pretty shimmer.  I think it would be better suited to a different skin tone.  It's a soft tangerine.
Pink Parasol is another one coater.  It's a creamy bright pink. Overall I really loved the collection! I think I'd pass on the pink and tangerine since they're not really my shades but they're both perfect spring colors! Which is your favorite?
**These polishes were provided to me for my honest opinion. I have not been compensated for my review**

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