
If love be rough with you, be rough with love...

7:00 AM

It's day six of the Digit-al Dozen's celebration series, The Digit-al Dozen, Does it All Again! 
Today's theme is Love and Heartbreak. Last time this theme came round I used it as an opportunity to make warm, fuzzy, red and pink nail combinations and get all the lovey dovey Valentines Day cooties out. :P  THIS time I wanted to avoid all things pink, lovey and resembling anything Valentines Day! I wanted instead to do something more abstract.  So...I've done a Romeo and Juliet theme! To me, their story is sort of the epitome of love AND heartbreak and it's also one of my favorite plays so it's kind of a win/win for me.  Obviously there are MILLIONS of versions of Romeo and Juliet but I've chosen to base my nails on the version I feel is most recognizable today and that is the Baz Luhrmann 1996 film version.  So here we go:

On my index finger I have some textured "armor" to represent our ostracized hero Romeo. On my middle, the cross which makes up the "AND" in the title and on my ring some sparkly wings to represent Juliet a la the picture you see above. In the picture you can also see that Romeo is turned, to show his arm while Juliet faces forward showing both wings. This is the imagery I was kind of going for! My pinky is almost a throwaway, I didn't want to take too much away from the other two but it's a rocky grey to represent the stone wall where Romeo recites his famous lines to Juliet under her window. I hope you enjoy my out of the box nail art for the day! 

Please don't forget to enter the September Specatcular for your chance to win a $200 gift card! And check out what my fellow Digit-al Dozener's came up with by clicking the link below!!

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  1. This is a nice manicure!

  2. This is a clever interpretation Bee!

  3. I am not a fan of the movie but I am a huge fan of your interpretation! Beautiful! :)

  4. love this and sigh, i need to watch that film again x

  5. Okay, I love that this isn't all "lovey dovey". It's gorgeous!

  6. Love that you chose something abstract and unique!


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