
Diamond Candles Giveaway!!

7:00 AM

Today I have something a little different for you guys! If you've been following along then you know that I've just finished a CRAZY fantastic giveaway with the Digit-al Dozen.  I've passed a few milestones here and I want to give you all a little thank you for following along with me! This giveaway is also open to new followers, of course!  You can follow via Bloglovin' OR GFC, just leave your name in the box. :)

If you haven't heard of Diamond Candles then you're in for a treat. Diamond Candles are all natural soy candles. Each contains a ring valued between $10 and $5,000. Not only are these fun, but they smell AMAZING. I chose the apple scent and it really smells like a crisp, fresh, green apple. Yum.
The candles come in a variety of scents and retail for $24.95 each. It takes roughly 15 hours to burn down to your diamond ring! Here's mine:

Pretty isn't it? I've already ordered the new Pumpkin Chai scent and I can't wait to see what's inside of it!! You can enter the giveaway below! And thank you all again for following along with me! :)

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  1. Ooh, is this open for international entries? (UK)

    1. Amanda this is only open to US followers! But if you have a US address at which to receive the candle you're more than welcome to enter!

  2. I hope i pinned the right pic. and i just ordered some of these today. why no win more!!! :D :D :D

  3. Oops, made a mistake. I thought it was open for International. Please ignore my entry.


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