
Voulez Vous...

7:00 AM

Well....what can I say about today? I had good intentions. I really wanted this to turn out differently than it ended up turning out. I think half the problem is that I did it basically in the dark and all freehand. Apologies for the lighting as well, it's been SUPER rainy here lately.  At any rate. These were inspired by an iPad case I saw on Instagram.  I really love chevrons, they're one of my favorite patterns.  But they're tricky to do freehand because you need to be sure the spacing is on and they're not less tricky when you have to stop 3/4 of the way across!  I think they came out OK but later in the week I got the idea to do them over again in better light. You can see what transpired with that if you tune back in on Friday! I ended up going in a bit of a different direction after I got started! I hope you enjoy these anyway! :)

Colors Used:
Zoya Purity and Raven
OPI Who the Shrek Are You

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  1. Even though they didn't turn out the way you wanted, I think they still look great!

  2. These still look great Bee! I may have to steal this design ;)

  3. i like the look of these nails i love how they're freehand it gives it a bit more edge!


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