
Super Saturday: Weekly Updates...Fearghuis Rioghan

I haven't done a Super Saturday post in awhile so I thought now would be a good time to do some updates!  Starting with the one above! Most of you probably already know I have two kitties, Aoife and Caoimhe.  Well this past weekend I adopted another kitty who has been named Fearghuis.  Unfortunately, Fearghuis did not come to me in the best shape.  In fact, he's in quite bad shape.  On Saturday after I picked him up and brought him home I noticed he was breathing very loudly and his breath was quite rattled.  He was wobbly when he walked, his teeth and ears looked filthy and when I bathed him to get the smell of cat urine off him (which took TWO baths and a foam bath) I noticed he was incredibly thin. He was advertised by the "rescue" (and I use that term VERY loosely) as a Chocolate Point Himalayan.  I was told he was healthy, fully up to date on shots, kept in a foster HOME with one other cat and was 9lb.  Since he was a bit far and because of how the rescue organization works, I had to fill out and be approved for adoption before I was permitted to see any of the cats they foster.  At the time I understood it as being for the purposes of making sure when they set these appointments it isn't a waste of their time.  Now I feel very differently about that.  When I arrived to look at him I was given a quite limited amount of time to look him over and the foster parent was not available for me to speak to. Instead the adoptions are done at the home of the woman who runs the "rescue".  She explained his runny eyes, saying they hadn't been wiped that day and that he often has runny eyes when he drinks.  His fur being quite fluffy as he's a Himalayan, it was difficult to see how thin he really was and she said she wasn't sure his exact weight but thought he was around 7 or 8lb (he's actually closer to 5.5lb).  He's clearly not a Chocolate Point either, he's very obiously a Seal Point and she agreed that his breeder had indicated he was a Seal but that she personally felt he was a Chocolate. At any rate...

Here he is AFTER two baths (and a foam bath) and several face cleanings. His eyes didn't open further than this when I brought him home.  I had him to my vet a few days after I this and it turns out he's riddled with infections.  Poor little guy needs to gain about 2 or 3lb, he's missing patches of fur from malnutrition and until yesterday he could barely see or breathe because his eyes constantly crust over and he's so congested when he leans his head forward he can't breathe at all.  After some TLC (and lots of antibiotics and supplements) he's doing MUCH better today.  He can finally see, he's had more energy and is starting to play and he can lean his head forward to eat and drink now.  He's going to need some additional tests before we'll know for certain if we can keep him (our vet indicated that he may have things which would put our current kitties at risk) and he's not fully vaccinated but can't get those until he's doing better.  So he's taking up quite a bit of my time lately. My vet was uncertain if the age they gave us was accurate at just over 2 years and his paperwork is all crossed out and written over so that's not promising either.  They also told us at my vet he's probably been kept in VERY close quarters with more than a few other cats (probably in a kennel not freely roaming a home) and has likely been underfed and uncared for most if not all of his life.  

I'll try to keep you guys updated on how he does from here out but for now it's been pretty exhausting trying to nurse him back to health.  The nice thing is he's pretty affectionate so I've gotten lots of snuggles lately. :)  Hopefully I'll be back to having time to polish very soon! Hope you're all having a great week and for those in the US, a nice holiday!

Forty Great Nail Art Ideas: color + grey

Today's inspiration for the New Crumpets Nail Tarts 40 Great Nail Art Ideas was grey plus color.  I've done an IKAT design with my grey and a teal color. I've never done an IKAT design and I've been wanting to try one out but I'll admit this is my second attempt and it still isn't as great as some of the ones I've seen.  I think there's a trick to getting your brush just wet enough so that it leaves color but also kind of drags to give it a nice feathery look.  It's one I'll have to work on for awhile but honestly it came together pretty fast and it's not horrendous so with just a bit of practice it could be a really easy 10 minute mani.  For now I think I'll stick to leopard for my quickies though! ;P Check out the other girls art below!!

Zoya Winter 2015 Matte Collection

I apologize for the delay in posting these! I'm still really struggling to keep up with my blog in light of some life changes! I'm also still trying to sort a lighting situation so some of these are taken in natural light and some in artificial and so on.  At some point in the near future I'll hopefully have it all sorted and everything will be more uniform.  At any rate this is the 2015 Matte Velvet collection from Zoya.  I really love the matte collections from Zoya. I think they're gorgeous and overall they dry quickly and finish lovely. I had an issue with only one of these and again, it was the white one.  I don't know what it is about matte white but it just doesn't seem to work for me.  Other than with that one though, these are all two coats and the formula was a dream. :)  Above we have Yves, a nice royal blue.

Next up is Honor. I think this one was my favorite but it seemed a touch less matte than the others.

Then comes Sue, a gorgeous champagne tone.  This one was a bit sheer for me with two coats. You can just see my nail line in the picture. Another coat may have taken care of that though.

Then there's Iris, a gorgeous pink/purple fuchsia kind of tone.  This one was a bit reminiscent of my favorite matte, Harlow.

Then we have Amal, a beautiful red color. This one will be perfect for your upcoming holidays!

And finally Aspen, the white tone I was telling you about.  I love Aspen but you can see she was a bit streaky and this is with three coats. :(  Which one is your favorite?

**These polishes were provided to me for my honest review. I have not been compensated for my opinion**

Escape the ordinary...

It's the final day of Pinterest week with The Digital Dozen and I saved my favorite for last!! OK, let's face it; everything Kate Spade is my favorite. lol...but this design I think came out rather well and it's a little less clean than the others.  This was one of the patterns Kate used in 2012 I believe as one of the staples in her collection.  I love how retro it feels. Here's the original pin:


I used a white background instead of cream and I didn't  have a stamp that completely matched this pattern (like I could freehand that!) but it's pretty close to the picture I think!

Check out the other girls art below!!

Life is short; buy the shoes!

Pinterest Week with The Digital Dozen continues today with this look, again inspired by Kate Spade.  The lighting on this picture is SO bad so I have to apologize for that. I'm still experimenting with where the best spot and time will be to photograph nails in my new place.  These were inspired by some stupid cute and glittery Kate Spade shoes which I'm adding to my list of NEEDS. Lol  you can check them out below!


Feel free to click on the picture to see the original pin! Or you can pin them to your wishlist (like I did!) right from here if you prefer. :)

Check out the other girls work below!! Thanks for following!

Keep Calm and...

It's day three of Pinterest week with The Digital Dozen and I'm carrying on with the Kate Spade inspiration. This look is based on a series of prints Kate has which have little sayings on them.  I thought a polish themed saying would be a good plan!  I actually kind of hated this one at first but it's grown on me now and I think it's one of my favorites. I also did a gold dot in lieu of the spade that generally adorns these prints.  It's a small area and I thought the dot worked but kept it a little more clean.  Here's my pinspiration!


Feel free to click on these pictures for the actual pin!  I love how clean and graphic these are but at the same time the mint keeps it girly and soft.

Check out the other girls art below!!

Find the silver lining...

So it's day two of the Pinterest challenge with The Digital Dozen and I'm still rocking the Kate Spade nails!! One thing I love about Kate is that even though she has a lot of different patterns in her line, almost all of them can be mixed together and look totally awesome. So today I've mixed two of her patterns together to make a fun look.  I always love striped nails...really stripes in general! I wear them fairly often.  I also love monochromatic nails because they look clean and graphic and they can go with anything.  This is one of those great patterns that allows you to swap out the accent nail for various looks without a ton of work.  At any rate you can check out the pins that inspired me below...and that watch is on my Christmas list if anyone cares to know *hint hint* ;P


How cute is this little set up?  Stripes are a common Kate Spade pattern and they're featured on bags, dresses, planners, etc...but 'tis the season, right? :P


How beautiful is this watch?  I love how the hearts look like they're falling into place!

Check out the other girls inspirations below!!

The Digital Dozen does....Pinterest Inspired!

It's time for another week with The Digital Dozen!! This week our challenge is to use inspiration from Pinterest.  I go through short phases where I pin loads of things to Pinterest but in general, I really don't use it at all so I went a little bit of a different direction on this one.  Ever since I did a week of Christian Siriano I've been DYING to do a week of nails dedicated to another designer I love.  I haven't really gotten round to it yet and this was a PERFECT opportunity to do it! So this week I've chosen pins from Pinterest from one of my favorite designers; Kate Spade.  Check out the pin that inspired these nails below!! :)


Kate basically chooses really simple, classic patterns and then she uses those designs throughout her line.  Aren't these sneakers awesome? Check out the other girls artwork below!!

Forty Great Nail Ideas: Black and White

Today I have another great nail idea for you from The New Crumpets Nail Tarts. First I have to apologize for the lack of posts recently.  I bought a house this past month and I had TWO vacations pre-planned (didn't super plan on the house part at the beginning of the year!) so between moving and those and just life in general I've been struggling to keep up.  I had things pretty well sorted through last month but I didn't hit the ground as quickly as I anticipated in the new place so now I'm a bit behind schedule.  That being said I hope you enjoy this fun houndstooth look for this week's challenge.  I really love a good, clean pattern like this.  It's bold and classy!  Please check out all the other amazing 
work below!

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