
SinfulColors Having a Blast summer 2015 collection

I've got a new collection to show you today!  I'm not super familiar with this brand although I've seen them in stores so this is a new experience for me. The brand is SinfulColors and they are all three free but unfortunately, not vegan. :(  They are also sold in drugstores and what I would consider very affordable at 1.99 a bottle (you can catch them for .99 on sale)!  From what I can gather a lot of the colors in this collection are re-promotes for summer but there is at least one totally new shade (Star Blast Off) and one of the colors is exclusive to Walgreens (Green Ocean). Here's the official word from SinfulColors:

This 4th of July, it's all about fun, fireworks and fierce polish.  The seven dynamic hues in the SinfulColors Having A Blast collection gets you in the American spirit while looking fresh and festive whether painted on toes or tips.  Saturated red, white and blue lend a classic touch, while a glitter shade adds a zesty spark to any mani or pedi. It's the perfect way to kick off your summer festivities.
These seven explosive shades from SinfulColors will ensure you have a 
star-spangled holiday.

So let's get it going with Hot Spot! Hot Spot is a cobalt blue with tons of shimmer! I was impressed with the formula on these.  This is two coats and while in direct sunlight there's a touch of visible nail line, in natural lights it's opaque.  I used a base coat and had no staining with this one which is also a huge plus.

Here's Hot Spot with a coat of Star Blast Off.  I didn't choose to fish for the star glitter, although you certainly can, but I ended up with two of them anyway so it's not nearly as bad as some other toppers with large glitter.  Depending on how much you want you may have to do a bit of fishing though as is expected with the larger ones.

Next up is Ruby Ruby.  This one is just a classic red.  Look how shiny these dry!  I didn't use any topcoat on these as per usual because I like you guys to know what you're in for when they dry naturally.  Again this is two easy coats and no staining on my nails with two coats of base coat. This one WILL stain your cuticles a bit though so careful when polishing (or use some liquid latex!).   

Again here we have Ruby Ruby with a coat of Star Blast Off and again, no fishing but somehow I got two stars on the same nails as previously!  Guess they just like those nails. :P

Here we have Snow Me White. This one is really great if you're looking for a nice, one coat white.  Except but one nail here, where I got a little heavy with my brush stroke and ended up with a streak, these are one coat of Snow Me White. This one is going in my stamping pile for sure!

Here we have Show Me White with a coat of Star Blast Off. Still no fishing and still two little stars.  Only complaint here is that the red glitter has bled into the base so there's a pinkish hue to the polish rendering it useless over white. :(  I've seen this in stores and the bottles all appear to have clear bases so maybe it's limited to a few bottles but in time, they may all bleed so just be aware.  It's still great for use over the red and blue!!

Then we have Out of This World.  This one is a shimmery silver.  It reminds me of OPI Happy Anniversary.  They could almost be twins! It's sheerer and more opaque depending on the lighting and how you turn your nail!  This is two coats of Out of This World.

 This swatch is Out of this World with Green Ocean over the top.  You can see that it gets a greenish tint and the flakies look really iridescent here.  I actually loved this combo although...

Green Ocean REALLY comes to life over black and/or darker colors.  You can see how it shifts from blue to green and the flakies and glitter really pop! If you have a Walgreens near you this one is definitely worth picking up!

Overall I liked this collection and I think its great for the 4th of July and the summer months.  I can see myself using some of these over and over!  It's a great deal for 1.99 each and you can never have too many one coat whites if you're a nail artist! What do you think? Which one is your favorite?

You can learn more about SinfulColors by checking them out online! Visit their website at: SinfulColors.com or visit them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

**These colors were sent to me for my honest review. All opinions are my own and I have not been compensated.**

The boy who lived...

It's day three of Fandom week with The Digital Dozen! I've had a difficult time narrowing ideas for this week because while I'm a fan of many things, I've also dedicated lots of mani's to said things!  Back in 2012 I dedicated an entire week of my blog to Harry Potter, in March of last year I covered The Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Star Trek, and Star WARS. Then in September of 2013 I revisted LOST, having done a full week of those in April of 2012.  That same year I covered The Hunger Games in a tiring twelve part series. Oh and who can forget the Dr. Mario nails or the Pokemon themed ones!  So while I DID try to come up with new themes, it turns out I've covered many of them already too!  In any event no fandom is complete without Harry Potter.  This round I've chosen to go sort of simple and I did some house colors with various emblems. I hope you enjoy them! Don't forget to check out the other girls art below!

Now you're playing with power!

In case you didn't guess from the title, these are my Nintendo fangirl nails!  I went for some original console love here.  My family was actually quite conservative and we didn't have any game systems until I was in my early teen years. At the risk of showing my age here (lol) we got our first console, the NES at a yard sale. I thought it was the greatest despite the fact that at the time the Playstation...yes...the original Playstation...was the big hype.  I think Nintendo was on like, N64 around that time.  At any rate we used to play the heck out of some Zelda and Mario on that thing.  Kids today have it good with all the memory cards and auto saves.  In those days, you played til you died and then you started over.  One or two games were nice enough to give you a save file or a save CODE which you had to quickly jot down and hope you didn't lose before you played next. Ahh...the good old days... Check out the other girls art below!!

The Digital Dozen does...FANDOM!

Its time for another week of fun with The Digital Dozen! This week we're doing FANDOM!  At first I had no idea what I'd do for this and then after I started looking around I realized I had WAY TOO many ideas!  I'm starting out with a nice, simple one.  These are inspired by Star Trek.  I wanted the bottoms to not only look like a continuation of the uniform but to also look like the emblem on their jackets but it sort of failed a bit in that regard. Still came out nice though! Check out the other girls art below!!

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