
Diamonds in the blue...

12:37 PM

This is an old mani I did last summer that I found in my cache.  It was one of my first attempts at using those little decals that you stick on your nail and then polish over and peel off.  While I think it came out pretty OK there are definitely some flaws which is likely why I uploaded it to my drafts folder and then forgot about it.  I made these vinyls myself with my silhouette and in retrospect I think they may have been too thick which is why the polish is a little lumpy on the top.  I've never been a fan of them, although they can make art so much faster and I wanted to play with more intricate designs.  Anyway it's that time again and I'm cleaning out my files so here it is in all it's lumpy glory. lol...I'll have to attempt this one again later and try to upload a better version! ;P

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