
White heart...

These are the nails I actually wore on Valentines Day.  I've done heart shaped leopard before and I loved it so I decided to do it again with some different colors. What I love about it is that it's not so OBVIOUSly Valentines themed. It's pink and has hearts but from a distance it's kind of just pink leopard.  I love holiday's and themed nails but I don't always have time to change it right away and for that reason I really love that these transition right into regular life instead of looking stale. I used a new OPI glitter I picked up for the accent nail.  I'm not super in love with it so it may be headed for my blog sale. It's just sort of...meh.  Anyway I hope you're all having a good weekend! Have you tried heart shaped leopard yet?

It's Raining Hearts...

This was one of the looks I sported for Valentines Day this year.  I'll be honest and say I really don't get super into Valentine's Day.  I'm not big on pinks or hearts or girly girl type looks like that!  But I wanted to have some fun with it anyway.  I wanted it to look sort of like it was raining hearts from the sky!  It kind of works two ways as well because the hearts look like rain drops upside down and then right side up it just looks like little hearts and lines. :) I hope you all had a great Valentines Day and gave and received lots of love!

Not my Cup of Tea...

It's the final day of vintage week with The Digital Dozen!! Today I modeled my design after some vintage china tea cups I have which I love.  I think this one came out pretty much exactly like I wanted except for maybe that the flowers are a bit more dark than I anticipated.  I also love the way the chrome looks here. I've just nearly captured it's super shiny, reflective finish here and it really mimicked the platinum ring on my cups perfectly! This picture is quite dark but it's the china which inspired me:

I hope you all enjoyed this week with us! Please check out my fellow ladies designs below! Don't forget to check back later in the day for some Valentines looks! ;)

Enter the Circus...

It's Day Four of the Digital Dozen Vintage Week!! I can't believe this week has nearly ended already! It seems like it's only just begun.  So these nails are actually the second ones I did for the week but for some reason I ended up liking them more than the ones that came after! That's how it always goes isn't it?  Anyway these are sort of based on those old circus tents. My husband said they reminded him of Water For Elephants which wasn't really what I was going for but fits nonetheless! I hope you enjoy them! Please don't forget to check the links below to see some more vintage themed nails!!

I Dot A Feeling...

It's day three of Vintage Week with The Digital Dozen. Today's look is pretty simple! I really wanted to do just a simple pattern but so many of the vintage patterns I see are floral and I'm just not huge on floral for my nails. So instead I chose some vintage-y colors and did this dot and stripe look. I really loved the way it turned out!  I hope you're enjoying vintage week! We still have two days to go so be sure to keep checking in! And don't forget to check out what my fellow ladies came up with for today's vintage look!

Wood if I could...

It's day two of Vintage Week with The Digital Dozen and today I went with a pretty abstract 70's kind of theme. I was going for kind of a pine wood look with some fun stripes. I liked it in the end but this is also one of those times when I wish I'd stopped long before I did! I really loved the ring finger but then once they all had stripes I kind of felt it was too much! Oh well, in the end it still had the effect I was looking for! Reminds me of 70's pine paneled walls and furniture!

I love this kind of thing! I hope you all enjoy the design today and please check out what my fellow Dozener's came up with for today!!

The Digital Dozen does...VINTAGE!

You'll have to excuse my absolutely horrific photography this week! I don't have a lightbox and since moving it's been difficult to find a great light source. Especially with the completely DISMAL weather we've had of late. Hopefully I can find a good balance soon! But for now, apologies, you deserve better! At any rate this week is vintage week with The Digital Dozen and I'm so excited about it because I LOVE vintage. I still have a record player, wear vintage clothing and jewelry and I love old music, films, etc. So this week I had no shortage of inspiration.  Today's nails are inspired by those old 50's era appliances with their minty color and chrome accessories!  I wanted a sort of 50's pattern as well but I couldn't find anything that I felt truly was what I wanted so I settled on this sort of mod circular look!  All in all they came out rather well.  I used the new chrome polish from the OPI Gwen Stefani collection and while I LOVE the way it looked (wish I could've captured the finish on this one!) I didn't top coat it and it started sort of rubbing off like lead from a pencil about three days in. Still a cool look though! I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to check out my fellow Dozener's looks for today!

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