
Pandas, pokemon, and princesses

Today's three hour nail art is brought to you courtesy of the Boppy pillow. If you're not familiar with what that is it's basically a big pillow you can use to position your baby for nursing. And yes, I said THREE hours.  Mom life is rough when you want to polish your nails. ;)  So basically this simple manicure breaks down to polishing my nails white...and I ran out of my Zoya white so I had to use one by a company called LOOK.  I got the polish for free so I really shouldn't complain but frankly, it's junk. Three coats later and I still had to use my Seche Vite to smooth the white into a solid, opaque finish.  Seche is a lifesaver for a new mom, by the way.  Or anyone on a time crunch.  I did these one hand at a time because I knew I was unlikely to get a solid half hour without baby tears.  So it's polish, top coat, Boppy (nurse while you dry!) and then it's on to step two: the stamping. This was actually quite a bit easier than I imagined it would be, in part because I finally invested in a MoYou clear stamper and now that I can see what I'm doing stamping no longer takes me ten years and eight coats of polish.  So after the stamping comes more Seche and then voila! Pandas.  Hopefully when the princess is over her growth spurt and allows me more than a half hour at a time for doing, well anything really, I'll be able to get back to more intricate art.  So what else is going on in the world of Bee Polished?

If you're a Pokémon Go player than you probably know that Articuno and Lugia were recently put out into the world via raid battles.  I am both happy and also not happy about this. Happy because I want them and let's face it, if they ended up as rare spawns who knows when I'd get one.  Not happy because raid battles are so tricky.  You have to get enough people and drive out to them and then defeat the raid boss and then after ALL that you're still not even guaranteed the catch. Ridiculous. Oh and since I haven't been able to play in like...seven months due to my pregnancy (tons of complications had me on bed rest and pretty much unable to walk) I'm levels below all the other trainers. So yes, I'm the one with the Blissey in there. Yes, I know he's crap for offence but his defense is stellar and I have no problem riding out the battle while all the other guys take down the boss. Also not happy because it took me four raids to get ONE Articuno and three more raids to get my Lugia and I'm like 100% sure this is Niantic's not so subtle way of forcing us all to buy raid passes. I can't complain too much since I did get them but have you ever showed up to a liquor store parking lot at 7AM to meet a bunch of teenagers with a six week old in tow? Yeah. It looks like REAL great parenting to Poke-muggles. At any rate...the princess also got to take her first trip across state lines AND she went to the fair for the first time this month. So overall it wasn't too bad.  I will have up my empties tomorrow (hopefully!). I didn't do so great for July since I'm lucky to have time to shower anymore but I have plans to do better in August!

What have you all been up to this month?

Colors are:
LOOK polish White
China Glaze Liquid Leather

Plate is:
Animal 09 by MoYou London

ImPress Nails

So if you follow my personal Instagram page then you're probably aware that my daughter came about a month early, on the 14th of June.  Due to some health issues I had and some complications she was in the hospital for awhile, as was I and as a result I got PRETTY far behind on things. This blog hasn't been super active for awhile but my Instagram is usually updated daily and even that fell through the cracks. I'm working now to get my new videos up on You Tube and hopefully get back into the swing of things. Motherhood has been a big change for me, especially since my little was premature and weighed less than 4lb at birth. She's doing wonderfully now but it's been an uphill battle.  I've been sort of taking this blog slowly in new directions for awhile now so don't be surprised if I revamp a little bit and start blogging more personally as well as about beauty, nails and other things. Living a polished life is about more than pretty nails (although those are important too! ;P) so while I'm home and enjoying my new baby there may be some new and different things popping up here. I'll post a more indepth update on what I've been up to a little later.

So anyway let me talk to you about the nails you see! I recently got a Walmart beauty box for the summer and these nails were included. They're Impress nails. Basically they're press on's that come in fun patterns. I'm really not a fan of press on nails because I find it difficult to match my nail sizes and even though there are 30 nails in this pack they were still a bit wide for my nail beds. Issue #2 I had with these is that they didn't press down all the way. They lifted a bit at the base so my hair and various things kept getting caught underneath the bases which was super irritating. That being said if you can find sizes to fit your nails these might be really great for a quick manicure. They stayed on really well and I had to REALLY work to get them off after three days. I'm always worried about nails popping off but I was able to use my nails like normal with no issues. I used them for a quick Fourth of July mani since my pack happened to be red, white, and blue. Bonus: they're so easy to apply you can do it with a screaming infant on your lap!

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