
Zoya Petals: Spring 2016 Collection

Today I have the Zoya Petals collection for you. This is their collection for Spring 2016.  I have to apologize for how late this is going up. My nails have been an absolute WRECK lately (partly due to numerous sandy beach vacations #sorrynotsorry) and I've been waiting for them to improve. Sadly, at this point I don't think that's going to happen in the near future so...here we go and forgive my cuticles and hangnails! 

This is an all shimmer collection but there were two in particular I found to be much less shimmery than the others. This is one of them. It's called Tulip and it's a creamy salmon color with just a hint of shimmer.  I really love this one but I'm a sucker for peach  tones and, not to brag but they look great on me! ;P  As always, two coats no top coat. 

The other one was Laurel.  She's a creamy pastel pink with, again, only a hint of shimmer. This one is also just gorgeous for Spring but I'm not a huge pink girl.

Azalea is sort of Laurel's more shimmery, more punched up cousin. This one is VERY shimmery and also gorgeous matte although I forgot to snap pics of her that way. Just trust me on that. :P

I suppose that makes Zahara the punchy, more shimmery version of Tulip.  This one seemed sheerer than the rest for some reason. I still had some visible nail line after two coats. But still a very pretty Spring shade.

There is one purple in the collection and that's Aster. I LOVE this one. She's sort of a cross between the others in that she's very creamy yet also packed full of shimmer. I think this one was my favorite of the bunch.

Finally we come to Leia.  Leia is really sort of an odd man (woman?) out. She's a shimmery, opalescent shade but she's very sheer and has a sort of duo-chrome lean to her. I've shown here here over nothing, on my pinky and index, and then over black and white so you can see how she reacts to different bases. She reminds me a lot of Orly Twilight and Essie Pure Pearlfection. 

Which one is your favorite?

**These polishes were provided to me for my unbiased review. I have not been compensated for my opinion**

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