
The Color Purple

I love the color purple. I probably have 15 different shades of it. I'm waiting on some of the new China Glaze crackle colors to come in the mail so I wanted to do something simple so I wouldn't feel bad about taking it off to try out the crackle colors! Found out just after I did these that my polish had been sent to the wrong city. Post office assures me it will be here no later than Monday so here's hoping...
The base color is Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Concrete. The flower petals and the corners are Maybelline Express Finish in Plum Intense. The flower centers and the sparkly stripe across the corners are Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Purple Gala and the the leaves are OPI for Sephora in Leaf Him at the Altar.

Never Say Never...

So today I went to go see the Justin Bieber film, Never Say Never. Since i was going to see it in 3D with my niece who LOVES Justin, I thought I'd do some Bieber themed nails!
The base on all fingers is Revlon Rock. The thumbs I painted in Revlon Silver and then put Bieber on the top and painted around it with more Revlon Rock. The dots are Justin Bieber One Less Lonely Girl Collection in Give me the 1st Dance.
The most time consuming part of this manicure was actually putting Justin's face and outline on the nails. I think it came out pretty well though.

Shattered Glass

I did these in a hurry because I spent most of my morning doing nails to go see the Justin Bieber movie, Never Say Never, with my niece. The shatter polish came out much better with a thinner coat.
Colors are: Justin Bieber One Less Lonely Girl Collection (Nicole by OPI) in Give Me the 1st Dance with OPI Katy Perry Collection Shatter on top.

Stripes and Shatter

I got my Shatter polish by OPI in the mail the other day. Ever since then I've kind of just been staring at it. Of course I wanted to break it open and use it but I wanted to think of a fun way to use it on my nails, rather than just painting it over a color like everyone else has been doing. So I decided to do some stripes. It came out pretty well but I think I used too thick of a coat because it didn't shatter a whole lot.
Colors are: China Glaze Swing Baby with Orly Luxe sponged randomly over it. The stripes are OPI Katy Perry Collection in Shatter (obviously!)

Tropical Drinks and Sandy Beaches

I just finished planning a trip to Myrtle Beach and it made me want to do something more tropical. This one is inspired by oceans and sandy beaches and tropical flowers!

The base is Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Blue Me Away. I sponged Sally Hansen HD Collection in Spectrum over the top and the tips were sponged with Orly Luxe. The flowers are Sinful Colors in Dream On and the middle of the flower is NYC Color in Taxi Cab

I Heart You

Nails for the actual day of Valentines Day. I did this because it was easy to do over the other Valentine's Day design I had already done.
Colors are: China Glaze in Ruby Pumps over Revlon Scented collection in Cotton Candy. The white around the heart is Loreal Jet Dry in White Tip and the dots are Orly Rage.

Valentine's Day

I have a ton of pink and red polishes but for some reason I had trouble coming up with fun things to do for Valentine's Day week. I got some Revlon scented polish and I was itching to try it out. This was the first thing I did that stuck. The scented polish is pretty sweet. It smelled for about three days and didn't chip at all. I don't know why I only took a picture of the thumb but the rest of the nails were the same except they didn't have the hearts and the word "love" on them.
Colors are: Revlon Scented Collection in Cotton Candy and China Glaze in Ruby Pumps. Over the top I put a quick coat of Orly Fifty Four.

Bieber Fever

I finally got my hands on some of the Justin Bieber One Less Lonely Girl collection (Nicole by OPI) polishes. When I got to the store they only had a few colors left so I chose a sparkly blue one (Me+Blue) and a metallic silver color (Give Me the 1st Dance). The blue one is SUPER sparkly, it doesn't capture well on camera at all. But the downside is that the glitter makes the polish kind of sandy and it chips VERY easily. Even with two coats of top coat my nails felt like sandpaper all day and it was chipped within 24 hours. Oh well. Still cute polish.
The stars are the Give Me the 1st Dance and the base is Me+Blue. I colored in the large stars with Sally Hansen HD Collection in Byte.

Rock and Roll

Still working on my marbling technique! This one was a quick one.
Colors are: Maybelline Express Finish in Onyx Rush and Revlon Fuschia Fever marbled over Justin Bieber Collection (Nicole by OPI) in Give me the 1st Dance. Then I checkered the tops with more Bieber Collection Give me the 1st Dance and a quick coat of Revlon Belle over just the checkered parts.

Red and Gold

This manicure came from sheer boredom. I was watching a Sex and the City marathon when I did it and I was really just playing around. It took a bit of time but I think it came out pretty cool.
Colors are: China Glaze Ruby Pumps and Orly Luxe.

The 70's are back!

These nails were inspired by some 70's couches I saw at The Salvation Army awhile back. I love the colors together. And I'm working on improving my marbling technique!
Colors are: Orly Prince Charming, Essie Turquoise and Caicos, and Essie Tart Deco marbled together over NYC Color Taxi Cab. Then I painted the top half with the Orly Prince Charming and dotted on some NYC Color in Taxi Cab.

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