
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What a-corny joke!

It's day two of Autumn Week with The Digital Dozen and today I have these cute acorn nails for you.  Somehow my matte topcoat got sort of smooshy and two of my nails have a bit of a texture to them but overall I really loved this design. You all know how much I LOVE to squeeze leopard prints into these challenges and for me this was sort of a play off the leopard print.  Also like leopard print, this manicure is SUPER easy and only requires a dotting tool. Definitely a win!! This is one of those mani's I was talking about where I started off with something that was a complete fail-tastic mess and then re-did it and ended up here. You can check out the failed look in a new series I'm starting up next week! Until then, I hope you enjoy these and don't forget to check out the other ladies art  below!!


  1. Love acorns. To me they represent hope, and used to carry an acorn with me when life seemed the most hopeless. When things got better I would find a nice place to plant it.
    This is a lovely manicure, and brings back some good memories.

  2. These are adorable! I love your acorns!!


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