
Sunday, August 16, 2015

SUPER Saturday...

OK ya'll, first let me say...I know it's Sunday and not Saturday!! Over the course of the past four years this blog has had some major changes.  Mostly in the way of my skills improving! It's also been given a new look and I've added and dropped some things.  It's been through it's share of changes.  So I wanted to see if perhaps it can withstand another change. You see, as some of you may already know, I actually have TWO blogs.  My other blog is a lifestyle blog and's really fallen through the cracks.  When I first started it I had a lot more time than I do now and running two blogs wasn't so much of a challenge.  Now, however, I struggle at times to keep up with even this blog. So I'm doing a little overhaul here and I'm going to start incorporating BOTH my blogs into one blog; this one.  Now don't panic!!  This blog has always and WILL always be primarily nail art based.  But I bet most of you know that I have other interests....things like....

food!! I'm sure I've mentioned numerous times that I'm a vegetarian.  Did you also know that I'm a HUGE foodie?  I love cooking and eating and I'm in the kitchen A LOT.  We also started gardening last year and are having loads of fun with that! Also...

beauty products and makeup.  I'm certainly no make-up artist or anything but I LOVE beauty products!  I have tons and tons of them.  I recently overhauled my entire face care routine and switched over to these Ole Henricksen products (which are cruelty free btw!).  My skin has never looked better.

Along with skin care and beauty products is probably Eco-friendly and holistic products.  I have a chronic pain/fatigue syndrome as many of you know and I switched over from medications to essential oils for my primary treatment of ailments roughly a year ago.  I'm still learning about how to use them but they've been a real lifesaver for me.

Then with that probably would come yoga and fitness.  I do some type of workout seven days a week and yoga is a frequent choice for me.  I've actually begun working out in hour increments with the first half hour incorporating cardio, rebounder, or weight training and the second being yoga.  I find the extra stretching included with the yoga at the end really cuts down on post workout soreness.

At the end of the day the point is....I'm more than just nails!  So what I want to do is start incorporating some of that into this blog.  That being said, as the post title suggests these posts will still ONLY appear on Saturdays.  During the week you will start to see posts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and on Saturday you will see a post at random about any of the above topics or whatever I'm feeling at the time. The type of post will ALWAYS follow the Super Saturday title so if you're not interested in it you'll be able to easily skip over it. No hard feelings. :)  I hope this will be a way for me to connect with some of you more and broaden the topics on the blog but again, it will certainly remain primarily nails and nail art. Some Saturdays there may be a weekend update or no post at all. It's just going to depend on what I'm feeling at the time. I hope you all enjoyed last week's Digital Dozen theme AND this coming week I will have Zoya's Fall 2015 collection for you so don't forget to check back for that! Enjoy what's left of your weekend!  Thanks for indulging me for a little while. :P


  1. I didn't know you had another blog, but I am up for other topics, especially beauty stuff!

    No offense, but I feel like your cat is judging me in that first pic. ;P

    1. Lol she definitely is!! That's what she does best. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it! ;p


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