
Monday, September 8, 2014

The Digital Dozen Does...The Terrific Two's!

This week is a very special Digital Dozen challenge week! It's our TWO year anniversary!! I can't believe it's been that long already but it's been an incredible journey and I have so much fun every week coming up with new designs for the challenge. Some have come really easily and others have been a real challenge.  This week we're doing themes related to the number two so for today I have a mani inspired by things that come in pairs.  It's a LITTLE outside the box but I thought paws/legs come in pairs so I went with this cute kitty manicure. If you live at my house pets also come in pairs! We have TWO cats and TWO hamsters. But I digress.  The kitty is a water decal from the Born Pretty store. It was sent to me for a review and as you can see it's wicked cute and stupid easy to use. Just put it on the nail, wet, press, lift and voila! Perfection in a second.  Don't forget to check out the other ladies mani's below!!


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