
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Trust me, I'm a doctor...

So these nails aren't exactly festive but they make me smile! When I was a kid we used to play the crap out of our Nintendo.  Of course by the time we got one in our house, the Playstation was already the new big thing and Nintendo games were far from new.  Still, we didn't love it any less! Some of our favorites (outside of the obvious Mario and Zelda!) were Lolo, Tetris AND...this gem; Dr. Mario. My mother STILL loves this game and plays it on her DS! I thought since my nails were rounded and the absolute perfect shape for pills I'd give it a go!
Honestly it was remarkable easy to do as well. Even the little monsters weren't as bad as I'd assumed they'd be though they didn't come out spectacular. I hope you love these as much as I do! What was your favorite game growing up?


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