
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jamberry Strips: Mo Mo

Today I have something fun for you!!  I received these Jamberry Strips to review from Shea at OMG Wait What Polish Is That.  I got a series of designs from her and eventually you will see them all!! This is the one I was most excited to get though!  They came as a little sample pack:

Check out all those fun designs!! I love that for the most part, these aren't anything that you'd be able to easily freehand.  Some other brands make cool designs but I'm always left thinking, "I could do that myself" so with these I feel like it's more warranted! I have another review of the older version of these strips coming up but I found those difficult to work with so I wanted to start with these ones. They have a new formula and it shows so if you've tried them in the past and had issues applying them, let me assure you that they are now 100% fool proof!  They aren't like other polish strips either.  You do need to apply heat (I used a blow dryer) to them for a few seconds.  I had better luck with placing it loosely on my nail and then applying the heat directly at my finger and smoothing.  It took roughly a minute to apply to both my accent nails and my nails are mid length so these CAN be used on two nails if your nails aren't super long! I didn't size these like I should have so you can see that the sample for this size was a bit too small for my nail and I finished the design with some polish. It's slightly noticeable in the picture and barely noticeable in person!

Aren't they super? I paired these mustaches up with some Lime Crime Polish in Milky Ways. There are lots of other designs to choose from so don't forget to visit her store or her Facebook page to see what's available and snag some for yourself!! :)

These Jamberry wraps were provided to me for my honest review. I have not been compensated in any way for my opinion.


  1. That accent nail is super cute, I love it!

  2. ** The samples only have a few sizes on them, an actual order comes with 9 different sizes on 1 sheet and 1 sheet has 18 nail wraps :) Thank you again Bee <3

  3. i'm not much into stickers and not free handed stuff, but those seem some cool and fun stuff to review! sob, i wish brands sent me stuff to review too..

  4. I was already sold on the moustache ones but OMG the chevron!!!


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