
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Use it or lose it...

This has been my life for the past oh...week and a half or so.  Polish sorting.  I HATE polish sorting. I also love polish sorting because I find all sorts of great things I had forgotten I had.  I also find out things like I have three of the same exact color. Fail.  The thing is, even with a spreadsheet it's still hard to keep track of nearly 1,000 polishes. Not only that but it's frankly overwhelming.  Many of these I have never used.  Many of them I WILL never use.  Others I use all the time.  On the whole I find myself reaching for the same colors most of the time.  I'm not sure if that's because those colors are the ones I remember I have most often, because they're my favorites, or just because they're already out of the helmer which means no digging!  So I have laid down some new rules for 2013.  If I don't, haven't and won't use a's out.  Already I have listed quite a few on my blog sale page.  Most of them are polishes I've never used once or those that I used once and didn't care for or didn't go back to for whatever reason.  You can HELP ME!! Help me get rid of all these polishes I'm not using and give them good homes. :)  My goal is to get to ONE helmer (God help me) and then to maintain that helmer.  No new ones til old ones are out.  I'm not sure how well I'll be able to stick to that...I already have quite a few pretties coming in the mail.  But here's hoping! 

Do you have an overwhelming stash?


  1. My stash is just approaching 200 and I think I'm gonna limit myself to one Helmer... which is fine 'coz there's plenty of room in my current one :D

  2. Ah! Good luck! I am also going though my stash and finding a ton of dupes. >_<

  3. lol I'm trying a 'one in, one out' system as I have lots of nearly finished polishes, or ones I don't use and could be got rid of. I would love it if I could keep my collection a very similar size (I think around 300ish). It won't last though I'm sure!

  4. I just crossed the 600 mark and my new Helmer is coming this week. Also, my boyfriend is building me a polish rack. I also have some swatch sticks coming, so I think once I get everything swatched, I will re-evaluate which polishes I need and which ones I have 20 of the same color. It sure seems like a daunting task!

  5. I'm getting to about 250-ish and it's kind of overwhelming now lol. I REALLY need to finish my stupid spreadsheet :(

  6. I have exactly 222 and it's enough to make polish sorting drive me crazy. nail wheels have definitely helped because now I know some of the colors definitely are NOT dupes while others.. well, I have way too many reds. good luck with your goal!

  7. Oh god good luck!! I guess I should be happy that I still haven't filled up any drawers in my helmer...hopefully I manage to keep it down. If I don't, I've no idea what to do because I don't know how to hold a blog sale for my polishes and throwing them away is such a waste!

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  9. I have stumbled here by chance and loving your way. I have also seen your veggie blog and noticed that you use a lot of vegan polishes. One of my resolutions for new year is to go cruelty free with everything non-food related, starting with lacquers and make-up, but I'm scared and lack of infos, could you help/advice/support? I am respecting very much your wish to get rid of exceding polishes, cause I really think we should be consciouss, and I am already pretty happy and paying attetion not to over do with my 35 bottles. Id' be super happy if you joined my blog's little community of friends: and defenetly will check on your sale section..what about some swaps? looking for cruelty free brands :)


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