
Thursday, January 24, 2013

J is for Julianne...

 It's time for another letter in the A,B,C Challenge.  Today's letter is "J" and I actually had to do a bit of decision making for this one. I don't have a TON of J polishes but I have enough and several....OK most of those...are untrieds.  I've actually swatched this one before but never really worn it for anything so I decided to use it today.  It's Julianne by Zoya.  Julianne is a gorgeous purple shimmer with fat flakes of color running through her.  She also has a bit of a gold tone in certain lights.  It was pretty hard to capture it on camera but you can see the shift quite nicely in the macro shot below.  I just really love this.  I can't believe I haven't done anything with it!  

Do you have Julianne? Did you love her?
Don't forget to check out what Emma and Kerrie have for the letter "J".


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