
Monday, September 17, 2012

Dollish Polish: Hylian Princess

Today I have another Dollish Polish for you.  When I saw that there was a series of polishes dedicated to The Legend of Zelda, you know I was all over that! I still remember getting my very first game system, The original NES.  Mind you, I was 13, my dad FINALLY caved to our requests for one and snagged it at a yard sale and my friends had already been playing the crap out of the PlayStation for two years. But we loved it.  We started out with something like four games.  One was Super Mario Brothers 3/Duck Hunt/Track and Field.  It's actually a pretty common game but the great part was we actually had a Duck Hunt gun AND the Track and Field mat so we could fully enjoy all three.  Except for the part where if you ran on the mat too hard the system crashed. :/  At any rate, we also had a Chipmunk game which we failed at miserably because teamwork was essential and we just didn't have it.  And then there was that shiny gold cartridge.  The Legend of Zelda.  LOVED. THAT. GAME.  We had no idea how to play it or where to go and my sister and I spent endless hours with graph paper making castle maps to try to figure a way to beat it.  We failed.  But years later I watched my husband beat the whole damn thing in roughly an hour.  Stupid boys. we have Hylian Princess.  You'll probably notice in the pic above that there is a random blue hex glitter on my ring finger.  After carefully examining my bottle, I decided this glitter must have been an oops because there isn't another to be found.

Hylian Princess is a mix of tiny purple squares, various sizes of purple hexes, large white hexes and  large gold hexes and squares.  It's A LOT going on but it looks just amazing.  I layered it over butterLONDON Muggins for just a bit of color to the background.  I really love this one.  I love the color combo but I also loved that it went on so easily. All of my nails have a little bit of each type of glitter and I didn't have to fish for larger pieces.  It's smooth on the nail, and it wasn't thick and goopy. Gorgeous.  Stay tuned tomorrow for the other half of this amazing duo!  For good's a close-up pic of her royal highness:

Perfection. Thanks for following along!! 

Were you a gamer growing up? What was your favorite one?


  1. Oooo I love this! My husband is totally in the Legend of Zelda games. We have a few for our Wii, but he likes using those emulators that you can download that allow you to play the old-school Game Boy games on your computer. :)

  2. Pretty combo, that glitter is gorgeous.

  3. Oh man....don't get me started. Hubby is STILL a gamer and we have every system ever made along will almost 700 NES games. It has literally taken over my whole basement. Now my point....I LOVE ZELDA TOO!!!! Except my love spans to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64. I would stay up til 2-3 in the morning playing this game. I love it for the original NES oh man, I've been eyeing these polishes for a long time and I think it's due time I snatch them up. Loved hearing the history :-)


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