
Monday, July 2, 2012

Monkey See Monkey Do...

You might remember that awhile back I joined a group called The Purple Crumpet Fairy Challenge.  The group was started by two of my very best polish friends, Debbie and Claire. This was back when the only other challenge I was doing was the Pink Wednesdays (what happened to that?!).  When I joined the group there were four members including myself.  And I'm so proud to say that the group now has just under 200. Since the original days of the PCFC there have been many new features and challenges added.  One of these is called Monkey See Monkey Do.  Now, at the moment I'm working so much that even keeping up with the regular challenges in my life is too much! So I'm definitely not committing to do this every single Monday.  But this past week I was surfing The Crumpet and I found a mani too cute to resist.  I really wish I had taken more time to do this but I had to kind of rush through it and I didn't have a striper so I had to use only a dotting tool.  I think I could have done much better!! But I had so much fun recreating it!  My inspiration comes from A Girl and Her Polish. Here is a picture of her original ladybug manicure:

Super cute, no? 


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