
Monday, July 9, 2012

Monkey See Monkey Do: Dandelions

It's time for another Monkey See Monkey Do Monday!! Are you all impressed with me that I'm actually doing two in a row?  I  It's difficult for me to keep up on these challenges but I really like this one because there are so many wonderful designs I see that I'd love to try but I don't want to infringe on other people's originality either.  So this is a nice balance. :)  Anyway today's art is one I've had on my Pinterest board for like, a million years.  I LOVE the color combination and the softness of this mani.  It looks a lot harder than it really is although mine isn't AS nice as the original.  I'm fairly certain the original artist used a base of China Glaze Sea Spray so I did as well and then I finished off the design with Models Own White and Black art stripers.  I love, love, LOVE the completed look.  If only it didn't have to come off so soon!!  I would really love to give credit to the original poster of this artwork so if anyone knows who did the original or is the original artist please let me know!  I took it off a pinterest board which redirects to this picture on Polyvore:

Thanks to one of my wonderful readers, I think I've found the origin of this artwork!! It comes from a blog called MaD Mani's! As it turns out, there are tons of other really great mani's on the website so check it out if you get some time!! :)

I hope you all enjoyed today's artwork!!  Thanks for following!


  1. Love, love, love this! The first time I saw this design was here Not sure if this is the original artist.

    1. Thank you! I think that is the original! I'm so glad someone recognized it!! :)

  2. Oh wow so girly and cute! Love it!

  3. Ahhhh I love this!! I think maybe yours was the better one actually!

  4. I love this design, so adorable!!

  5. you did SUCH a good job on this, flawless xx

  6. Even if you didn't actually come up with this design, it's just tooo cute! Ahhh I'm in love! <3

  7. This is so different and cute! I love it!


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