
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pusheen and Pauline

Well I've been out of nail school for over a month now.  I can't say I really miss it although I had tons of fun while I was there!  Seventy hour weeks aren't really high on my list of things to do and I can't wait to start doing nails for a living.  Awhile back I posted some nail art that one of my nail school friends, Pauline did for me.  I have a few more of those to come but I want to spread them out a little since, sadly, Pauline doesn't live near me so I won't be able to have her do anymore pretty nails for me. :( But here's a little twist for today...nail art I did for Pauline! 

 Thing is...Pauline and I had a little TOO much fun at nail school.  We spent plenty of time learning and practicing, don't get me wrong. But we also spent an inordinate amount of time just being silly and laughing. And lets face it--when all you do is work, sleep, and go to class, a little bit of laughter is a good thing!  Most of the art I ended up doing for Pauline was more because of the fact that no matter how careful she tried to be, she almost always wrecked a nail before they had fully dried.  *sigh*  So you'll notice as these come up that the art is usually limited to the tip of the nail and it isn't always the standard accent finger!  BUT we had fun with the cute designs too!!  This one was sprung from a completely random incident.  Some time ago my husband bought me a necklace.  Knowing I love cute things and kitty things and I have a super fat kitty (who I love to absolute death!) he found this necklace of a fat, kawaii kitty on a balloon.

Super duper cute right?  I love it.  So I'm sitting in class one day wearing said necklace when Pauline leans over and says "Is that Pusheen?"  I think I asked her to repeat her question, like, three times.  "What the heck is Pusheen?" I wanted to know. Pauline tells me to "Google it" and I do and holy freaking cuteness. Pusheen love was born. So when I had polished her nails one day with Barry M Blue Moon followed by a nice dose of Deborah Lippmann's Glitter in The Air, only for her to nick the tip 10 minutes later...I thought, what better a cover up than little Pusheen?  And voila! There you have it!

I hope you enjoyed the art and thanks for following!!

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