
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Nail Mail Sads :(

I recently placed my very first order with a beauty website called  I don't generally purchase newer polishes online because I'd rather get them in the store.  But as The OPI Muppets Collection has yet to hit stores and I had some coupon codes from some lovely polish pals, I thought why not.  I ended up getting three of these for about $5 LESS than I would have paid in store.  And as a bonus I didn't have to drive anywhere!  Monday I was SO hopeful they'd come in the mail, but alas, it was Columbus Day.  No mail on Columbus Day.  So after an excruciatingly long wait today they finally arrived around 4:30PM.  I know...crazy right?  I got my package, opened it up and....super sads.  The Rainbow Connection bottle was nicely bubble wrapped but oddly, had polish around the outer bottom rim of the cap.  It gets worse.  I twisted the cap EVER so slightly AND....MAJOR POLISH SPILLAGE.  Glitter went everywhere.  The top of the bottle, as you can see, is cracked in half.  There is glitter on my hands.  There is glitter on my Helmer (which incidentally is full as of today :/ And I still have polish on the way. Yikes.).  There is glitter on my carpet.  There is even glitter on my poor kitty.  (I think it suits her :P)  I freaked.  Understandably.  And panicked.  And then cried.  Yes. Actual tears.  It's been a rough few days.  But then my husband, ever the calm one,  found me an empty bottle of Seche Vite (after suggesting I pour out one of my "cheap" polishes! Hello!? That's like killing your smallest child!) and I poured what was saveable into it.  And yet...

It looks so sad and not rainbowy in the Seche bottle.  And it doesn't have the nice wide brush that OPI's have.  I didn't even get to paint ONE stinkin nail with it before this.  So seriously lame.  Although most of the polish was saveable, this still gives me a wicked case of the sads.  I'm one of those people who still has the original boxes for EVERYTHING.  Having an OPI in a Seche Vite bottle is KILLING me right now.  KILLING.  And I can't even  put it next to my other OPI's because the shape makes it too bulky.  The shame.  But there is a bright side to all this!!  And that's the customer service at  This is the first time I've ever ordered or received a damaged polish and let me tell you, I receive TONS of polish mail both from companies and from people.  I was a little worried about what the response would be when I wrote them about it and I took A TON of pictures just in case they asked. Pictures of the polish. Pictures of the mess. Pictures of the bubble wrap with glitter flecked all inside of it.  I wrote them and explained that it had cracked open when I touched it.  I told them my other two were fine.  I told them that most of the bottle was saveable.  And I told them I had pictures if they needed them.  (I've heard a lot of companies ask. Understandably.)  I kid you not.  FIVE minutes after I sent the email I had a response. And not one of those, We-got-your-email-you're-very-important-we'll-get-back-to-you-later auto-responses.  Nope.  A real email.  Which said they were terribly sorry, will resend the polish immediately and will look into what might have happened to my glorious Rainbow Connection after the evil postmen got their hands on it.  (Ok I might have embellished a little bit on that last part :P) So the moral of the story is: ROCKS. Tons. And I'll definitely order from them again (at some point!).  And you should too if you want great customer service. :)  Update: The moral of the story is that this is apparently a recurring problem, and while they were very nice about it...they screwed up my replacement order too. :( They sent me another Warm & Fozzie instead of Rainbow Connection.  Another girl in my Facebook group also recieved two broken polishes. Sad times. :( While I still appriciate the excellent customer service (they shipped my replacement for the replacement within hours of my letting them know they messed up) it will only take them so far.  I may or may not order from them again in the future. I'll need some time to see how they do with other people! And still no Rainbow Connection :(

Oh and as a total side note:  Warm and Fozzie is my new OPI love. I would marry it.  Gone Gonzo...not so much.  :P

Thanks for following! Do you have any polish mail horror stories?


  1. aveyou customer service is very amazing! They got an order I placed slightly wrong and immediately sent what was missing and paid for me to send them back the wrong item they sent.

    Most companies that I have received broken items from have always credited or re-sent, so next time that happens (hopefully never!) don't fret too much before contacting the company :)

    Enjoy your lovely Muppets!

  2. I ordered the Muppets from aveyou too! My first time ordering from them. They sent me a free tote bag and $1 shipping? Yes please.

  3. Thanks ladies!! I got free shipping on my order and the bag is SUPER cute! I've heard horror stories about companies and after my Models Own snafu it took them a WEEK to get back to me about an order I placed. (Though in their defense it was during a massive sale.) Hopefully I'll get the new one soon! :)

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm sorry- i too have many nail packages coming in the mail but i hope the same doesn't happen to me!! and i've really been impressed with the customer service lately-- shouldn't be a problem at all :)

  5. Aww I would hate this! So happy you get a new bottle to add to your collection though :) Your husband sounds amazing helping you with things like that, I have a guy like that too... lucky girls!

    You could use the left over polish for frankening or add it to your real bottle once you use some :)

    Hope the rest of your week goes a bit better! x


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